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I learned TPU can be finicky to print. Especially when you get sent a printer with about 4 separate issues messed up by the factory and the guy who did "open box" before me. Hopefully, 5th time is the charm! The current print looks good after fixing the machine all night.15061813714891129471001.jpg 15061814269161030988078.jpg
Seems everyone i've seen take a bit to get going, i want one grrrrrr. This darn hobby is going to break meo_O
This one had issues that shouldn't have been there, stuff I had to diagnose and fix before I could get to the normal issues.

One limit switch upside down.
Ribbon cable to extruder broken.
One of two fans not working.
Extruder completely covered in some failed print material.

I might have forgotten one or two others, but other than that it is a nice printer! :D
You guys should make some. The kits are super cheap and it isn't hard. The hardest part is getting the jig put together for the first time. I made two receiver ones and a version B cased one all for like $20, it was fun. I could print some TPU covers for you guys, just have to find the 3d model. I'm pretty sure I saw it posted somewhere. So far I just have pink and blue TPU.

I don't need anything else to "make"! The last time I ordered them they were $15 for a pair. If you made 3 for $20, there wouldn't be much savings.


I'm glad to see you got your 3d printer. I know how bad you wanted one. You'll be dolling those birds up in no time!

Thanks Jerry, I was so happy about it, I bored my wife with the details, which I normally don't do with this type stuff. :) I am getting the hang of TPU. It isn't as hard as it seemed once the printer was fixed and I got the settings dialed in. But it seems like it needs to print pretty slow.0926172001.jpg
Kosho 64mm frame parts.
You guys should make some. The kits are super cheap and it isn't hard. The hardest part is getting the jig put together for the first time. I made two receiver ones and a version B cased one all for like $20, it was fun. I could print some TPU covers for you guys, just have to find the 3d model. I'm pretty sure I saw it posted somewhere. So far I just have pink and blue TPU.
Thanks Jerry, I was so happy about it, I bored my wife with the details, which I normally don't do with this type stuff. :) I am getting the hang of TPU. It isn't as hard as it seemed once the printer was fixed and I got the settings dialed in. But it seems like it needs to print pretty slow.View attachment 1222
Kosho 64mm frame parts.
Maybe you need a different nozzle? I've heard they are expensive
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Wow, you're a printing fool already! Yeah, from what I've researched, that's the downside...speed. There will be many things you'll be able to do though. Every build I do I think of something I could make if I had the tools. Well, maybe after we move I can get one.

Keep it up, looking good. Man, i've been wanting a printer for a while and you make it worse. I also want a cnc cutter and a mini lathe/milling machine
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Cut-down your receiver antennas or they will cut themselves downView attachment 705Also, you can't have too many batteries, flew every battery I had today probably killing a couple 50c paks because I didn't satisfy my need for airtime...lol.
My camera came in while I was at my spot... will post some flight vids soon as I figure it out.
Reciever antennas only need the exposed tips mounted outside the frame. I run 5 out of 7 with the Rx antennas inside the frame nbeatly bundled. Anything within 1000ft is fully flyable no issue. I only do this on Race rigs typically.
This 4" build was pretty limited on options to mount the receiver. But it neatly fit if I de-pinned it and used about 6mm of wire to connect. It is like doing pins but way easier to undo if needed.


But anyways, I learned my UL4 does not smoke on power up. Yes it was a long wait since I finished it. Thrice bitten sextuple shy?
Each material has a learning curve. I'm working on ABS technique now, and happily printing in TPU or PLA. I think I will crank the speed a bit now and see how it goes with all the other settings set correctly now.
I have a printed tiny whoop camera mount made out of a candy looking red strong rubbery material, any idea what this material is? its really nice

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