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Problems with my eachine wizard x220 please help

Ive made alot of progress just still not there.. replaced pdb,escs. Someone flashed it for me, but still having issues. I place on ground for take off and soon as it has almost enough power to take off the drone just flips.. any suggestions? Thanks guys
Make sure the arrow on your FC board is facing towards the front of the quad. If it is not, adjust the Yaw offset to the degrees it is turned (either +90° or -90°, 180° if turned opposite direction) in Betaflight or Cleanflight or on whatever configurator you use. And make sure your accelerometers are calibrated while quad is on a level surface.
Also and I know it is a basic thing but are your props on right?
Yes. That also makes a huge difference. But I'm guessing it may be because the FC was just flashed, the default turns the FC orientation to 0° yaw offset. If I'm not mistaken, on the wizard, the FC is mounted 90° CCW. The same thing happened to my son's quad when I updated his FC firmware. When trying to take off, props would spin in correct directions, but the when trying to lift with more throttle, it would spin out of control and flip.
I just checked my dump from my Eachine Wizard 220 quads, by default installation of the SPRACING F3 the yaw offset is +270 or -90, your choice. That is likely the issue.
Yes. I agree - either setting works. I've set the yaw offset on my son's Wizard to -90° and got his working properly again.
Sounds like the perfect place to start then neo.;)
I had to get someone to flash for me because my computer at home for some reason doesnt run betaflight, by sounds ofnit i may need him to change some settings, could i possibly rotate the FC until i find the right angle ?
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Hmmm, you really need to have beta flight at home. But by what Randy and Neo are saying then sounds likely to fix issue. Rotate 90 try, then 270, try. Dang these things drive me nuts, always something. Keep us informed bro
Will do mate, my friend is using my vtx and receiver. Ill get it back this week and see what i can do, massive help wayno the FC is actually facing the wrong way so this could be the info ive been needing [emoji106][emoji106][emoji106]
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Hi @Jammy1989, you definitely need to set the Yaw Degrees to -90 or +270 degrees, do NOT physically try to rotate the board, it is in the quad like that for a number of reasons and you really can't change that easily if at all. This is the section in the Configuration tab where you set Yaw to -90 OR +270 which are the same thing.

Yeah. You need Betaflight for not only the orientation but to calibrate your accelerometers too. I think mainly, the FC board was set that way in Wizards so the USB port is easily accessible on the right side. If the FC is oriented to the proper position (arrow to front) the USB port would be to the back, which makes it difficult to plug in for diagnostics.

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