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Loss of control after upgrade

I had to go to work, but when I get home I'll continue my quest for the.dat. For now though, could the simplest cause be that I didn't get that motor soldered well?
There are others who would have a much better idea what to look for. I was interested in doing this mod but decided my 74 yo eyes and fingers weren't up to the task. That said, I'd be looking for 2 solder blobs close enough to short out when the board temp rises.
I have had this mod for a few months now without any problems except pilot error. Get a strong magnifier and check all the soldering points you did. I am sure you will find some errors there. If you find something I recommend buying a new ECS board and not using the older one because you may have other problems with it.
Loss of Control After Avata Upgrade
Hello, everyone. I'm hoping for some input after my crash yesterday. I did the AxisFlying 3.5 frame and motor upgrade on the avata, and took it out yesterday for the first test flights.
First one went fine. 10 minutes of slow cruising. Stayed in normal mode, low, and close to home.
Second flight I sent it up to look around at 29 stories. Got up no problem, but felt like I was getting buffeted by the wind more than usual, which was unexpected with the heavier weight and bigger props. Came down to find calmer air, and as I got lined up for a straight run above a street, all hell broke loose.
You can see as I line up with the brick street and begin descending, the drone starts oscillating from side to side. My first move was to hit the brakes and throw it into hover. You can see where it attempts but then immediately disengages.
My second move was to cut all throttle and get down as fast as possible before it lost all control. I was afraid it was going to flip over on it's back. As I cut power, I also tried to nudge it left a little too try for a parking lot landing instead of the middle of a street.
None of that worked. It kept rocking wildly and lost altitude slowly. It did get to the left a little, but crash landed on a parking garage roof. Battery went from about 59 percent to zero upon landing, and I think I had an ESC error in the googles but I was more focused on getting it down than reading the HUD.
Opened everything back up today and double checked all my soldering. No bridges and nothing loose, as far as I can tell, but I'm hesitant to put it together and get it back up in the air without some opinions on what the problem might be. Hoping for some input and direction. Thanks in advance.
It might be the ECS I have watched alot of videos about that upgrade and everything that I have heard that you can hurt the ECS board by it getting to hot when soldering the motor wires in . A new ECS cost about 50. bucks. But I could be wrong. Just an idea of what the problem could be. Please let us know if you fix the problem.
Roll is the axis with the least inertia, it's common to need lower gains on roll vs pitch on custom quads.
That's a great point. I do have the expo turned down on yaw compared to pitch and roll tuning. Think I'm currently 80/1200/.85 on the 2 axises, and probably 80/850/ .65 on yaw
Looks like there may be some prop vibration, could be throwing the FC out of whack.

Or the fact they change characteristics without doing any tuning adjustments just doesn't work right.
That would be my guess. Looks like an oscillation caused by overshoot by the FC due to PIDs out of what for the different motors.
I had to go to work, but when I get home I'll continue my quest for the.dat. For now though, could the simplest cause be that I didn't get that motor soldered well?
Hi, were you able to ressolve this issue, i am having the same wobbly effect almost lost the avata having the gopro mounted was a hell of a ride bringing it back down.

same exact behaviour. i hope you got a solution that you can share please.

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