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Hobby-wing=Terrable customer service!

I order from HW as they carry Tarot parts. I've always been treated well, but I think it's because their CS rep Cherish has the hots for me....
Dude that person can't even speak English barely at all. If there's anything more than a simple question the replies are so off beat it's hard to understand. Then it takes a day for your reply to get to em and for you to get a reply. Took two weeks to get one conversation finished. So frusterating. Amy is the clear English speaking employee and is nice but dang a whole bunch of inconvienence wowzaa
Nothing like being late, we were joking try reading the rest , we did continue the conversation,but being smart,try filling in all the blanks.
What I had a simple statement that was ball busting in itself idk what your even wuoting me for I also continued by talking to renov8tr because he dealt with the same associate I did. She was confusing and very bad at speaking English or making much sense
I didn't even care to read much of the nonsense on this post I just seen your last message and that's the only one I seen busting my balls about grammar. My phone sucks for spelling and I'm a man and the buttons are tiny lol
I have no need to be here other than learn learn learn and hopefully one day I can teach :) not here to bust balls. I'm here to become a great pilot and quad mechanic. The internets hard to read emotion and expression not trying to deal with that drama in y life already have enough of that thanks you :). Hope everyone has a grand holiday weekend of your from United States and if your not the. Have a beautiful weekend and rip some balls not bust some balls ;)
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Yeah haha I don't have sausage fingers by any means just I got an iPhone 5se. Not very big at all lol voice to text a lot but that's another world of typos you don't want haha
talking about voice to txt.I was talking to a really nice women about rc.I was driving and using that talk to txt button.I said you need another lipo battery and my phone typed this"you need liposuction ."
Hahahahaha that's funny as heckens what'd she say or did you correct it fast enough haha
talking about voice to txt.I was talking to a really nice women about rc.I was driving and using that talk to txt button.I said you need another lipo battery and my phone typed this"you need liposuction ."
so..............no date? hahaha
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Do your think your phone types what you are thinking instead of what you are saying? That would be bad.
That will be a thing one day and it's gonna get a lot of people in trouble. Tell ya what no phone can process what goes on in this brain hahaha I can promise you that
in my experience, anytime your trying to convey a drone problem withough a vidio link.. hell.. even with a video link, even the best have issue telling you what to change.
its when the **** doesn't work at all that you need Amy or the dude from changdo.. and well <sigh>
i simply don't have time for that.
in my experience, anytime your trying to convey a drone problem withough a vidio link.. hell.. even with a video link, even the best have issue telling you what to change.
its when the **** doesn't work at all that you need Amy or the dude from changdo.. and well <sigh>
i simply don't have time for that.
the "furious" guys treat me well, every call

just a few dollars more for better! less headache and better help. I'm sure its not available world wide... just saying time is money. i like these
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Hobbywing's support script..."Go pound sand"
Had the same problem with Hobbywing. They will not help the customer in any way. I agree we should stay State-side - but we should also expect better service and products. Unfortunately Hobbywing does not care...but the resellers do. I am using the reseller to help us. Review the product on the resellers web site and contact the reseller. Make it known Hobbywing support and products seem more than just sketchy.
Hobbywing's support script..."Go pound sand"
Had the same problem with Hobbywing. They will not help the customer in any way. I agree we should stay State-side - but we should also expect better service and products. Unfortunately Hobbywing does not care...but the resellers do. I am using the reseller to help us. Review the product on the resellers web site and contact the reseller. Make it known Hobbywing support and products seem more than just sketchy.
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