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Take off Disorder Disease is a real problem...


Jul 5, 2018
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Sup any help on:I have built a v2 quad 3 times now. Once with mini cc3d, once with Nero and now have gone back to cc3d openflight. Im running 4 emax mt2204 2300kw's, Rx701 receiver and a 4 cell 2300 battery. I got 6045 carbon and plastic props. I had him flying earlier but since it had a bit of a break waiting for parts, went back after putting in new camera and replacing 1 motor and props and now it wont take off. All props are on right direction as to the channel 1,2,3,4 setup-calibrated motors-reflashed-checked engines spinning in the right direction-have librepilot 15.02.02 because I heard this is the last version compatible with cc3d openpilot..all to no success. Drone arms, motors spin, drone moves either left or right a bit but as I throttle up to fly will either tilt to left or right and want to flip more than fly. Cant figure it out as nothings changed since it was flying and checked and rechecked and reinstalled almost everything and still no take off...!!
Any advice or recommendations greatly appreciated!
*Also the 4 engines I have left are 3 CCW and 1 CW, this shouldn't affect flight tho should it as that's just thread direction I have motors spinning the right way so...???
Pmac sup man thanks for post but steps 1,2,and 3 I tried already and never changed motor mix settings I' ll have a look but doubting that its that

Most here are running betaflight or raceflight on f3-4 fc's
Also, you are correct, lh/rh are pertaining to thread direction and if motor spins in the proper direction and the props stay on you are good
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Think I know whats up, I made the front arms straight when I originally built it, and cut a bit off the front to mount camera etc and had to change them back to X again but not in original exact spot. So must be the distance between the arms is slightly different.

Gonna try n recalculate today . . if that doesn't do it she might going flying anyway >*<

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