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Loss of Control over water.


May 13, 2023
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Loss of control over water
I was flying over the water when the drone started going backward and I could not control the drone to make it stop going backward. I slowed the video down to 10% to see what happened. I tried to pull out of the stall by increasing the speed with the motion controller, but the drone went backward and into the bushes. I turned to the left to try in an attempt to back to the land. Notice the data shown in the googles show the speed never went to zero and no loss of GPS signal during the loss of control. It ended up in the water before I could gain control again. The loss of control starts at 1:50 in the video.
I was using the MC2.

I also have a Mini 3 Pro with the DJI RC and fly over water without any issue. The Mini 3 will hold position over the water without any issues. I should try the Mini 3 Pro with the RC2 and googles and see how it does over water. I have observed the same issues with the Avanta before while flying over water. There are many youtube videos with people having the same issues while flying over water with the Avanta. Most of the time I have been able to recover by increasing the speed and altitude with the MC2 to recover but this time the commanded speed increase did not stop the rearward motion and I ended up in the branches.
Flying over water within range of the downward sensors in an automated mode is a bad idea with all DJI aircraft unless you disable them on the aircraft where you can do so, Consider yourself lucky when it works but never expect it to.
This is true. I have found the Avata downward sensors are more sensitive that the other DJI drones I use. The Avata appears to want to follow the flow of the water. I have flown over running water 2 feet about the surface of the water without issue as long as I keep my forward speed of the drone around 10mph. If I drop the speed, I have to get above the vision sensor range to avoid the influence of the water on the drone. I wish DJI would give up the option to disable the vision sensor on the Avata when flying with the MC2.

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