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Connect DJI Black Radio to Vista Nano?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2021
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Alpha A75 HD drone with Nano Vista Digital HD System for FPV Starter (R81-SPI Receiver for iFlight IF8 IF8-E Controller)

I thought I could connect to the Nano. (someone claimed they did it) Get the green light on the radio, but no response to the controls, including in Betaflight. I'm I trying to something that can't be done? Is there some missing step beyond the initial typical bind? Think I may have to just break down and get the iFlight controller but I'm cheap.
The Nebula Nano will transmit video to your DJI goggles.

The R81-SPI receiver will bind as FrSky D8 with your IF8 radio or any other radio that works with the FrSky D8 protocol.
I was hoping the Nano Vista would have a receiver like the CADDX Vista. Guess not. Ok. I bought a compatible controller.
Wait... you can fly with Vista as your reciever... but you said you have one with the FrSky reciever. It's one or the other.
It binds, I get a green light on the DJI black reciever, but no response from controls. Does the Nano Vista have receiver for the controller? Do you have to disable the iF8 receiver for it to work. All I did was click the button on the Air Unit, and hit the combination of buttons on the controller. Is there something else I should do?

Have a look here and see if the info that Oscar provides can help you.

It sounds like I'm wrong and you can still pair your DJI controller to the vista even with a FrSky reciever installed. (I don't have DJI goggles or controller so I have no first hand experience. My DJI experience is with a mini 2).
You can bind but for it to actually work you have to configure the FC to take the signal from the SBUS input the Vista unit is connected to... supposing it actually is. You may have to wire it up yourself since when models are sold with another receiver installed that's what you're supposed to use so the manufacturer may not have bothered connecting the Vista's output.
Thank you Kilrah, you are correct!!! Sbus pad is empty. I bought the controller they specified and I'll go with the flow.
But suppose I were to wire the SBUS to the FC, where would I connect it to on the FC? I'm just curious.


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Is there a danger of interference or some other electrical problem by doing that? I assume there was a reason they did it this way. Why have two receivers if you didn't need them?
Is there a danger of interference or some other electrical problem by doing that? I assume there was a reason they did it this way. Why have two receivers if you didn't need them?
Some people like myself, like the vista system over other systems because of the quality of the video and the fact that it works with the DJI goggles. I am sticking with my Frsky Controller because I already have it plus spare receivers and I'm to cheap to pay $300 for the DJI Controller. I hooked up up to the wrong SBUS on my board and it didn't damage it, you just don't get a signal to your FC board. In your ports settings in Betaflight you have to choose which SBUS input to recognize. I believe that you could have both receivers wired up to the FC (not positive about that) and control which one you use through Betaflight ports settings.
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Some people like myself, like the vista system over other systems because of the quality of the video and the fact that it works with the DJI goggles. I am sticking with my Frsky Controller because I already have it plus spare receivers and I'm to cheap to pay $300 for the DJI Controller. I hooked up up to the wrong SBUS on my board and it didn't damage it, you just don't get a signal to your FC board. In your ports settings in Betaflight you have to choose which SBUS input to recognize. I believe that you could have both receivers wired up to the FC (not positive about that) and control which one you use through Betaflight ports settings.
Is the sbus on the FC dedicated to a receiver control inputs? The fact that my Vista card has an sbus, does that mean there's a built in receiver? There's also a Grn that isn't used, does that have to be wired? I assume there's only one sbus on a FC right? I'd have to disconnect the other I suppose.
Is the sbus on the FC dedicated to a receiver control inputs? The fact that my Vista card has an sbus, does that mean there's a built in receiver? There's also a Grn that isn't used, does that have to be wired? I assume there's only one sbus on a FC right? I'd have to disconnect the other I suppose. I'm guessing, as you said, the reason they went with the iF8 on my digital A75 was just to make it less expensive, since the DJI radio is expensive.
The SBUS port will just be a UART with an inverter. You can select which UART to use for RC input in betaflight. If it's free already there's nothing to disconnect, just select in software. The green wire is that SBUS line.

I assume there was a reason they did it this way. Why have two receivers if you didn't need them?
Because the Vista's built in receiver only works with the DJI black radio that's super expensive at $300 and has no use for any other system. Most people already have a radio that's much cheaper and they use with all their quads/models so they don't want to buy another radio just to use with the Vista, much better to just have a $15 receiver that works with what you already have.
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Thanks Kilrah, Betaflight is an amazing tool. I wonder how that's remembered after power is removed. Guess that's a basic firmware question.
The SBUS port will just be a UART with an inverter. You can select which UART to use for RC input in betaflight. If it's free already there's nothing to disconnect, just select in software. The green wire is that SBUS line.

Because the Vista's built in receiver only works with the DJI black radio that's super expensive at $300 and has no use for any other system. Most people already have a radio that's much cheaper and they use with all their quads/models so they don't want to buy another radio just to use with the Vista, much better to just have a $15 receiver that works with what you already have.
Is the sbus on the FC dedicated to a receiver control inputs? The fact that my Vista card has an sbus, does that mean there's a built in receiver? There's also a Grn that isn't used, does that have to be wired? I assume there's only one sbus on a FC right? I'd have to disconnect the other I suppose.
What do you want to use as a RC, an Frsky or compatible Controller or the DJI FPV Remote Controller?
If you already have the DJI FPV Remote Controller it would be a good option. From the picture you have posted of your drone it look like it is set up for the iflight controller or other FrSky compatible.
You likely can modify your drone to use the DJI Remote. ( Hold Everything! )
I just looked up your drone.
Alpha A75 HD drone with Nano Vista Digital HD System
on the internet.
It should come wired from the factory for the DJI Controller. The fact that the SBUS wire is not connected to the vista unit suggests that the quadcopter has been modified or is defective from the factory. I'd call customer service before going further.
What do you want to use as a RC, an Frsky or compatible Controller or the DJI FPV Remote Controller?
If you already have the DJI FPV Remote Controller it would be a good option. From the picture you have posted of your drone it look like it is set up for the iflight controller or other FrSky compatible.
You likely can modify your drone to use the DJI Remote. ( Hold Everything! )
I just looked up your drone.
Alpha A75 HD drone with Nano Vista Digital HD System
on the internet.
It should come wired from the factory for the DJI Controller. The fact that the SBUS wire is not connected to the vista unit suggests that the quadcopter has been modified or is defective from the factory. I'd call customer service before going further.
It does bind to the DJI controller, but no response to the controls in Betaflight. Kilrah mentioned above that perhaps I needed to use Betaflight to tell the drone which UART to use for the RC. I don't know if it's wired or not. I know for a fact the SBUS is not used on the air unit. (is SBUS the receiver UART?) . I can't get a response out of iFlight. Anyway, using the iF8-E controller it works. Perhaps I shouldn't mess with success. Thanks Terry. I would like to understand what is happening.

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