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Broken Motor?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2017
Reaction score
College Station, TX
Hey guys,
So I had a bit of a spill that knocked a motor off. I got everything put back together, and the drone takes off fine with low power. When I try to give it a little more punch, though, the motor in question stops working completely. This is definitely a motor issue, correct? And any motor with the same KV will work as a replacement? Or is there a chance that there is something wrong with the ESC as well? Thanks.

Further info: It only stalls out when I give it thrust suddenly. When connected in betaflight, if I spool it up slowly it can reach maximum speed no problem. However, a fast switch will cause it to sputter on and off until I take power away from it.
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try checking your solders and for shorts, then you can swap it with one of the other motors to test if its the esc
Sounds like it could be a cold solder joint somewhere to that ESC maybe. Do a visual inspection on both ends of that ESC's power wires (PDB and ESC side) and the motor wires. Other than that, must be a bad part somewhere. Most likely ESC or motor but it could also be the PDB.
Sounds like the ESC to me. Had this on one of mine awhile back and noticed it was getting hot. Changed it out and everything worked fine. Put the ESC on the bench powered it up to take temperatures and flame on. Went up in smoke and had about a 5 inch flame.

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