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Binding problem

About soldering, also be careful to apply enough heat, but not too much or you can start lifting pads and destroy the FC. Also a pad will only take soldering so many times before this damage can occur, try to prepare well and solder only once if possible.
Your wiring is OK but looking back on your posts, you're using ISRM internal mode which is ACCESS firmware. Have you updated to ACCESS firmware on your R-XSR as well?
Your wiring is OK but looking back on your posts, you're using ISRM internal mode which is ACCESS firmware. Have you updated to ACCESS firmware on your R-XSR as well?
He flashed the X9 Lite and now has D16 protocol available, he has bound and is working.
He flashed the X9 Lite and now has D16 protocol available, he has bound and is working.
Right! :)
About BF version I update target.
I update reciever.
I update Taranis.
So. No idea anymore.
Guys, did you know that we have tehnical support for Taranis?
I can contact them and they will found answer for sure! (think so?).

But what about that, I have external baterry voltage on my osd in goggles (think that is VFAS)!
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That is likely from your camera, they all have their own OSD now that gives VFAS if the wires are hooked up properly. Most people go into the camera and turn off the cameras OSD because they use the OSD on the FC instead. Before you go out to fly make sure you set the Failsafe to No Pulses.
This is another method to fix. Do I need try that?
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I tried replace TX1 wire to TX3, but nothing.
Also I try this for inverted.
But I was not soldering wire from outside of reciever...
That gived me a new serial port which i set to smartport. But nothing.20190901_001656.jpg
It is true that F4 FC's do not have inverted ports to handle inverted protocols like SBUS and Smart Port by default (F3 and F7 boards do), and that is why many of the F4 boards have started coming out with a few ports that are inverted for these odd duck protocols, and usually label the ports as SBUS or Telemetry etc. The RX manufacturers also heard the unhappy people over this issue and made the un-inverted signal available on the RX on a separate small dot pad on the board somewhere, if you hook things up correctly they should work. Once you turn on Telemetry in BF and set the Port for the correct protocol (Frsky Smart Port in this instance), you should get a number of sensors from the FC through the RX down to the transmitter so you can discover them. Why you aren't getting anything besides RXBT and RSSI (both of these are from RX itself) I don't know, it could be the FC itself or it could be bad connection and configuration, but the config looks correct to me, but I can't be certain about the wiring.

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