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Yo, Hey from Georgia!

If the above wom't work using dshot, try with multishot but you will need to calibrate the ESC's. It is easy though.

With props off and lipo inplugged, go to motors tab and accept responsibility. Max the master slider, plug in lipo wait for beeps. Lower master slider to min, wait for beeps, unplug lipo.

Also, did you see the joshua bardwell video on quad not arming?
I’ll try your suggestions tomorrow. Also will check the Bardwell vid. Thanks for your help!
So if ARM turns yellow in the BF configurator when you give the arm command on the TX then it sounds like the FC wont arm for safety reasons. I would check that the accelerometer is calibrated and that the picture of the quad in the Setup page in BF Configurator is level and check out Joshua Bardwells video on YT about why quad wont arm. Do you have a flashing red light on your FC when you arm the bird?
Thanks to you guys I’m no longer afraid to plug into Betaflight and click around PLUS I got her spinning!!
The accelerometer was fine but I calibrated it anyway. That might have nugged some circuit to wake up, who knows? I noticed the lower limit of the throttle was around 1100 so I ran it down as low as it would go to 900 something. While I was on that leg of the problem I ran the trim on the Tx from the center to full down. That did it!! When that thing started spinning it was a mighty pretty sound.
I might mention that I did everything you fellows suggested in every thread and I really do appreciate the response y’all (I’m from Georgia) had. Great help for a new racer drone pilot. This thing flys a tad different to my Mavic Pro or the Splashdrone 3!! Now I have to train my thumbs. I fly helicopters with thumb and index finger. I learned real quick that that won’t work for this one. Thanks again!
Hows the new bird AirTac? Self level mode is great to get you started but i highly recommend acro mode soon as possible as it is actually easier once you get it down and WAY more fun. The easiest way to learn acro is to download a free sim and practice on it, (also cheaper...lol)
Download the simulator - The Drone Racing League
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Thanks to you guys I’m no longer afraid to plug into Betaflight and click around PLUS I got her spinning!!
The accelerometer was fine but I calibrated it anyway. That might have nugged some circuit to wake up, who knows? I noticed the lower limit of the throttle was around 1100 so I ran it down as low as it would go to 900 something. While I was on that leg of the problem I ran the trim on the Tx from the center to full down. That did it!! When that thing started spinning it was a mighty pretty sound.
I might mention that I did everything you fellows suggested in every thread and I really do appreciate the response y’all (I’m from Georgia) had. Great help for a new racer drone pilot. This thing flys a tad different to my Mavic Pro or the Splashdrone 3!! Now I have to train my thumbs. I fly helicopters with thumb and index finger. I learned real quick that that won’t work for this one. Thanks again!
Your throttle bottom being over !000 is probably why it wouldn't arm
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Hows the new bird AirTac? Self level mode is great to get you started but i highly recommend acro mode soon as possible as it is actually easier once you get it down and WAY more fun. the easiest way to learn acro is to download a free sim and practice on it, (also cheaper...lol)
Download the simulator - The Drone Racing League
Thanks for asking. I know this little squirt I’ve got doesn’t compare to the ones you guys whip around. I got to see some of that at Oshkosh this year. But, it’s way faster than what I’m use to with my camera drones! I’ll try acro after some practice in little girl mode.
Your throttle bottom being over !000 is probably why it wouldn't arm
Yeah, that was it I’m sure. Not to mention that my Spektrum radios both must be high when the trim is neutral. I had tried my Dx7 first and actually thought to move the trim all the way down. But, when it didn’t work I switched to the Dx6i and stayed with it because I like it better anyway. With that throttle at 1100+ there was no way it would start with either Tx. The controller onboard may have a low threshold, too.

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