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picking a new Drone


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
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So, I broke my diatone cube 239 and I need a new drone they no longer sell it on buzz fpv so I'm not sure what to buy now ??

I need drone that can run a 450 3s and a 350 2s battery's I was looking at the nameless rc one but im not sure

So, I broke my diatone cube 239 and I need a new drone they no longer sell it on buzz fpv so I'm not sure what to buy now ??

I need drone that can run a 450 3s and a 350 2s battery's I was looking at the nameless rc one but im not sure

Hey big guy you’re back! What happened to the 229? Yeah stock pretty much everywhere is in short supply because of Covid19.
The Diatone 339 will run 2S/3S if you want to stick with that style frame, alternatively you can look at the Turbobee 120RS, Emax baby hawk pro 3” and a Diatone R349 ( probably run better/faster on 4S but is fine on 3S).
I’m thinking of reducing my fleet of 15 and moving some of my analogue quads along and I have some of the above in my collection. Inbox me if you’re interested.
Hey big guy you’re back! What happened to the 229? Yeah stock pretty much everywhere is in short supply because of Covid19.
The Diatone 339 will run 2S/3S if you want to stick with that style frame, alternatively you can look at the Turbobee 120RS, Emax baby hawk pro 3” and a Diatone R349 ( probably run better/faster on 4S but is fine on 3S).
I’m thinking of reducing my fleet of 15 and moving some of my analogue quads along and I have some of the above in my collection. Inbox me if you’re interested.
well first of all I was flying crashed not a big problem then I go to plug it in and it does its start up beeps but not the ESCs beeps so I take it apart and see and the thing between the fc and the ecc im not sure what it is but that got ripped off. and grant is way to busy to fix it for me so im stuck. I looked at the list of drones but I really want something that is 2s and 3s because I have 4 2s and 4 3s batts. could you look and send me some links from buzz or any other websites because I can't find anything. also what drones do you have in your collection ?
well first of all I was flying crashed not a big problem then I go to plug it in and it does its start up beeps but not the ESCs beeps so I take it apart and see and the thing between the fc and the ecc im not sure what it is but that got ripped off. and grant is way to busy to fix it for me so im stuck. I looked at the list of drones but I really want something that is 2s and 3s because I have 4 2s and 4 3s batts. could you look and send me some links from buzz or any other websites because I can't find anything. also what drones do you have in your collection ?
Heading off to bed so I’ll have a poke around tomorrow for you.
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