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OSD does not show up after soft crashing with DJI V2 goggles and multi issuess


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2020
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hi, I have bad problems with my 4inch drone. The drone was crashed on a sort of golf grasses by a very very soft landing, and no part was broken at all. However, drone side's OSD is gone except goggle's itself data although Video signal is fine.

After going home, I took a couple of tests with the drone.
A - BetaFlight config cannot detect 4inch drone's AIO, but AIO and receiver and buzzer's ramps are ON.
B - DJI assistant2 cannot load firmware list from airunit, but recognized as DJI FPV series.
C - I can still watch video signal but not OSD from the V2 goggles, and can fly.

Then I tried with my 3.5inch drone.
D - BetaFlight config can detect AIO well.
E -DJI assistant2 cannot load firmware list from airunit, , but recognized as DJI FPV series..
F - I can watch video signal and OSD as usual

Also, I tried;
G -DJI assistant detect as DJI V2 googles, but keep showing Loading, then does not show acutal firmware versions at all.
H [email protected] account cannot log in anymore to download debug firmware ver, too. (I tried to say soemthing changed in apps)

So question is that
1 - What's wrong with my 4inch drone?? I can fly and watch a video, but no OSD, and not working to plugin to my PC. AIO is broken or airunit is broken or the both?!
2 - Does DJI assistant2 no longer support old DJI products like a v2 goggles and Airunit?? Probably I used DJI assistant almost a year ago. It was everything fine to cdetect/onnect my v2 goggles and all my airunits.

Thanks lot in advance!!

P.S) I updated DJI assistant2 to v2.1.2(for FPV), but it does not still load any firmwares properly. 🥶

Last edited:
- Okay, so I contacted WTF community, and they told that it's possible to get DJI assistant2 the error with WTF. Thus, it needs to either update the latest WTF or remove WTF, then DJI assistant should be able to detect firmware.

- BetaFlight config issue is solved because I found one of wire is cut off. After fixing it, Beta flight config detect the AIO.

However, my airunit cannot still ouput OSD. I tried to connect the airunit to my another 3.5inch drone, then it still does not work. Thus truely airunit itself has a problem.

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