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Oh Wow! For the FPV. Laughter for the Avata


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2021
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I am, as I may have mentioned, an old hang glider pilot. No longer but used to be a full time pilot as those things go. When I got my DJI FPV I was blown away. Up high and fast it was really, at least visually, like flying my kite. Looking straight down, flying zoom zoom (faster than a hang glider can fly). I was amazed. Fast forward to may Avata, which I unboxed today after much ordering struggle. A quick flight between the trees under this and over that, going places that I would never have considered going with my FPV. I landed with leaves stuck to the drone and laughing. What a hoot. My primary interest is video and photography so this will probably be as much a toy as anything but it’s clearly going to be fun and I’m super stoked to try flying Manual. I did some practice a while ago but am not ready to set the RC Controller ( is that redundant? Remote Controller Controller?…like Naan Bread?) to manual and will play with the Motion Controller for a bit. While the FPV isn’t my first choice for video, I’ve done a few vids with it. Atigun Pass is one, Frozen Forest is another. I look forward to some low level videos zooming around although I don’t yet have a video in mind for it’s unique abilities. Time will tell.
yes the 2 dji fpv drones are quite complementary. The DJI FPV is great in wide open spaces and for acrobatics. The avata is top in the for tighter places. And both drones have a great range, quality video feedback and good autonomy.
Flying in manual mode is great and I think that's the main interest of the fpv. You just need to practice enough on a simulator.

I made some video too:
avata :
dji fpv :
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Just got it yesterday, crappy drizzly day today. I've flown it maybe 3 minutes.

I know already I'll be flying this little beast probably 75% of the time, the DJI FPV taking most of the other 25%. Mini 3 and A2S when needed.

Had too many drones. FPV, Avata, Mini 3, and A2S seems to cover all my needs.
As far as I'm concerned it's the opposite, I use the dji fpv 75%. It all depends on where you are flying. Most of the time I am in wide open spaces and I need speed and no altitude limit.
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Just got it yesterday, crappy drizzly day today. I've flown it maybe 3 minutes.

I know already I'll be flying this little beast probably 75% of the time, the DJI FPV taking most of the other 25%. Mini 3 and A2S when needed.

Had too many drones. FPV, Avata, Mini 3, and A2S seems to cover all my needs.
I was thinking you were a NorCal resident. Where is it drizzling?
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As far as I'm concerned it's the opposite, I use the dji fpv 75%. It all depends on where you are flying. Most of the time I am in wide open spaces and I need speed and no altitude limit.
no altitude limit...via a hack?
As far as I'm concerned it's the opposite, I use the dji fpv 75%. It all depends on where you are flying. Most of the time I am in wide open spaces and I need speed and no altitude limit.
That's why I bought the dji fpv drone to challenge my self I owen a p3s and just sold my mini and air2 this fpv is freaking awesome I'll never go back to slow flying . I think the Avada is to easy to fly there's no challenge to it u crash. You hit turtle mode and continue flying what fun is that the fpv does dam near 100 mph that's a challenge .

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