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My new flying buddy!

That is great to hear/see!

I took my kids out to the park and was flying. Plan was to have them ride along, turned out chasing my son around the playground with my whoop. Both had a blast.
your officially a quad pilot sponsor!
well done Sir!
Nothing is more satisfying than having and supporting your kids in what makes you happy... sharing that hand shaking joy and watching them get the same rush!
Thanks man! Yes I was thrilled when he asked me to come out ! Snow last night so will have to wait until next weekend now :(
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That is great to hear/see!

I took my kids out to the park and was flying. Plan was to have them ride along, turned out chasing my son around the playground with my whoop. Both had a blast.
Thanks Torc! LOL that's awesome!! as long as they are having fun!
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Reactions: Futuramille

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