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Forum Suggestions


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2016
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We hope you all are enjoying the forum so far. In an effort to make this place be all you want it to be, we are looking for suggestions of what you would like to see here on the forum. Let us know your thoughts and ideas and lets make this forum the best it can be. :)
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We hope you all are enjoying the forum so far. In an effort to make this place be all you want it to be, we are looking for suggestions of what you would like to see here on the forum. Let us know your thoughts and ideas and lets make this forum the best it can be. :)
flying tips maintenance tips , what work and what don't. share your adventures and help each other out by trying to answer questions we all have
Is a fairly new forum DroneNut and as new members come in we shall see hopefully all you ask for .
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We hope you all are enjoying the forum so far. In an effort to make this place be all you want it to be, we are looking for suggestions of what you would like to see here on the forum. Let us know your thoughts and ideas and lets make this forum the best it can be. :)

So far, the forum is shaping up nicely, as it's so new, we obviously need to see how it developes.
I haven't spotted any rude hating going on, just competitive banter, and I haven't seen any spamming from businesses either, so its a 10/10 at this point.

Keep up the great Moderating/Admining.

FYI, in a perfect Forum world, moderators have nothing to do, and Admin's just fix whats broke or turn-on/test new features.

My only suggestion is within the classified section, once a unit is SOLD, the post gets archived, either completely, or to a sold section.
Thanks Chris and so far all is great other than we need more members .You see any spam that has slipped through
hit that report button and it will be taken care of or anything else not right hit it .
Per the guidelines if an item has been sold it should be posted it was ,as far as it being removed from that section
I will have to get with an Administer on that and will . :)
I haven't seen the Classified issue I describe on this forum yet, but on other forums.
Ideally the Sold items get deleted, or Archived to the Sold section for historical reference.

We hope you all are enjoying the forum so far. In an effort to make this place be all you want it to be, we are looking for suggestions of what you would like to see here on the forum. Let us know your thoughts and ideas and lets make this forum the best it can be. :)

Im all for ~ from the ground up..I see alot of us now only starting up,just like this forum..happy to help bearded admin.fella.

*Direct links to worldwide wholesalers
*Diagram layouts of different drone configurations
*Step by step threads~im at wrapping my skull around pc software and the.jargon that follows
*country of origin section..

~Australian lounge
~Netherlands lounge
So on...

Quik help thread
untill the persons query is solved by the members here, the next problem asked~first come first served basis...cant be answered.
Theres more..
Maybe someone else would like to chime in with.ideas

Im in business...
Anything free gathers attention..grab sponsors..they intern give items..forum creates competitions and give aways..bumps members count and creates interest.
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