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Failed RTH, wrong GPS arrows


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2019
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My RTH worked good.
Just Yesterday 10 times RTH sucess!
But today, I failed 4 times. Everytime crashed on RTH switch.
Only I changed:
-new location (side covered with corn)
-power from 25 to 200mW

I try to find reason, then I find 2 wierd situations:
a) I saw that on every time when I set RTH switch I am in negative altitude (like -2m). Then on 4.th attemp I go in positive (+) altitude, but crash again ?

b) second, it's time to take rest after broken parts, watching replay and saw that my GPS arrow show WRONG WAY! (inverted)!! But I must tell that always I had at least 11-18 sattelites when drone crashed(first flight start with 11, second 13sats...).

How looks moment when I click RTH switch?
The answer is that my quad in that moment try to turn around yourself and begin climb (just a little), then drop on ground. So, it is not drop, it is Spin then drop. It looks like it's desoriented...

In past I watch on YT that someone say comment: "never try to fly if your arrows not oriented good". -and Someone try turn around quad to point North, before flights.. Really?

So, repeat, yesterday was working good on different location.
But, its Is arrow reason to cancel RTH command??

Betaflight: 4.0.6
RTH min. distance from home:50m
RTH min. altitude: 20m
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I figure out the problem.
Never use RTH function if arrow showing a wrong way!
All just to do must make some test flight before long distance fly. Just make some circle around yourself and when arrow start pointing in right direction, your RTH function is ready!

If arrow pointing in wrong direction and you press RTH button, quad will drop from the sky.
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