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Drone from China

On average I'm getting 8-10min!
Not to bad as far as I'm concerned.
Also if you want the thing to "carve more" put the tri blade cyclone props on from DAL you won't go back to the stock blades!
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Okay, I'll try some of my GemFan Tri-blades and see how they work first. I was pleasantly surprised to see it flashed with BetaFlight. It also bound right up to my Taranis. Setup was a peice of cake. Are you running a GoPro? If so, how are you mounting it? This looks like a hard bird to mount it to. Have you tweaked your PID's at all?

No I have not bought any type of camera yet, maybe the new runcam3 is in my future!
Also my 220 came with clean flight!
And have not flashed over to beta yet!
I haven't altered my PID's as of yet, I have been doing tricks and such with the stock ones and it felt decent

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Yeah, I'm not to the tricks just yet. I'm still trying to get down the basics and some flips and rolls. I figure if I can get that down and figure out the PID's and rates so it "feels good to me" it'll be easier to learn. I really need to stop with the building and fixing and start putting some time into the Sims.


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