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DJI Goggles Integra

the goggles arent doing it for me, I already have a nice battery compartment attached to strap and it works fine.
The motion controller could be cool though. Are we able to strafe and go backwards with the little control stick while have the full functionality of the motion controller, or is it just a menu stick with revers and strafe being selected by a button and making use of the motion controller?
The first option would have me buying it ASAP. The second option will be a pass for me.
Looking forward to some reviews.
Found the manual for the MC 2 here: MC 2 Manual. And yes the Joystick allows up/down and left/right maneuvering. I'm getting more interested....
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MC2: Gettin' one. Now. Ordered it.

The joystick is ascent/descent (mode 2 left vertical) and roll (mode 2 right horizontal) combined. Trigger with reverse now is a fully functional pitch control.

The one thing that seems to still be missing is independent gimbal pitch control like available when using the MC with the FPV. That would have made the MC2 a near full replacement for the RC for N/S modes.
Just got mine this afternoon. First FPV drone. Got everything activated and updated, but can't seem to get the goggles to connect to use the DJI simulator. Could this be an update to the simulator that I will need to wait for?
yet again, DJI and the money maker... they could've done this from the start. It would be really nice if they'd make a FOAM insert for the goggles to reduce light leaks and get a better fit. Not have to rely on a $10 knock off hook and loop tape version.
They do have a foam insert
They do have a foam insert
DJI has a foam insert for the Goggles 2? I thought it was just a replacement for the stock hard foam. The V2 has a foam insert, the Goggles 2/Integra don’t have the thick padded foam, only a aftermarket company does, unless you have a link? I really need that thick foam insert for the Integra / Goggles 2 platform.
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DJI has a foam insert for the Goggles 2? I thought it was just a replacement for the stock hard foam. The V2 has a foam insert, the Goggles 2/Integra don’t have the thick padded foam, only a aftermarket company does, unless you have a link? I really need that thick foam insert for the Integra / Goggles 2 platform.
The issue with foam if they had it would be the added distance from the lenses. Already, you need to be right on them to get the full field of view. Thick foam would make the view even worse I think. I can barely see the data along the bottom of the screen now.
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I received my Integra Goggles today and they solved two problems I had with the Goggles 2. One, they were very uncomfortable. Next, the Goggles 2 OSD at the bottom corners were blurry and nearly unreadable. (the rest was very sharp). I could position the Goggles 2 in a way that allowed for everything to be sharp like the rest of the display but couldn't get them to sit in my face in a way that allowed that. Others have the same complaint.

For me... The new goggles are much better. The OSD is sharp and in my short time wearing them they were quite comfortable. I was able to fly my Avata without my cellphone tethered, so there IS a GPS. I am quite happy with the new Integra's.
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That is good to read. I am thinking of making the switch and letting the Goggle 2 go.
I received my Integra Goggles today and they solved two problems I had with the Goggles 2. One, they were very uncomfortable. Next, the Goggles 2 OSD at the bottom corners were blurry and nearly unreadable. (the rest was very sharp). I could position the Goggles 2 in a way that allowed for everything to be sharp like the rest of the display but couldn't get them to sit in my face in a way that allowed that. Others have the same complaint.

For me... The new goggles are much better. The OSD is sharp and in my short time wearing them they were quite comfortable. I was able to fly my Avata without my cellphone tethered, so there IS a GPS. I am quite happy with the new Integra's.
If you set the Goggles 2 display to 90% you can see the OSD more clearly. The Goggles 2 FOV is 51 degrees….the Goggles Integra is 44 degrees. Unfortunately, a cell phone still has to be used for GPS for pilot location. I am using replacement foam which also helps.
If you set the Goggles 2 display to 90% you can see the OSD more clearly. The Goggles 2 FOV is 51 degrees….the Goggles Integra is 44 degrees. Unfortunately, a cell phone still has to be used for GPS for pilot location. I am using replacement foam which also helps.
I dont know if you’re using a different system but with the Avata, the OSD does not change with the screen size. As you make it smaller, the picture gets smaller but the OSD remains along the bottom. I do wish it would move with the adjustment, that would solve some issues. Unless something has changed in the last 6 months since I last tried to adjust my view. I just leave it at 100 and fight with the blurriness along the bottom.
I dont know if you’re using a different system but with the Avata, the OSD does not change with the screen size. As you make it smaller, the picture gets smaller but the OSD remains along the bottom. I do wish it would move with the adjustment, that would solve some issues. Unless something has changed in the last 6 months since I last tried to adjust my view. I just leave it at 100 and fight with the blurriness along the bottom.
YMMV ....works for me. Using stock Goggles 2 version, MC2, Avata.
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OSD does not change its position with screen size changes on my Goggles 2. Purchased 3 months ago. Either way, the Goggles 2 work perfectly for some people and are just horrible for others. It seems to be a fit thing. Loving the Integra even with some minor features removed. (didn't use them anyway)
Does the Integra have head tracking?
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I've been told that there is a GPS chip in the Integra goggles and we no longer need to tether the phone? I thought this was one of the selling points. Is this not true?
I'm flying mine with no phone but I need to figure out how to get the warning of the screen......
Stupid question but what are your thoughts... I bought the Integra to replace my Googles V2 as I really wanted the intergrated GPS and lack of cables. So far it's AMAZING and *for me at least* a worthwhile upgrade (in the ways that don't matter to me it's a downgrade.) Here is the stupid question...

To fit my Integra into my hard case that is designed for the Avata and Googles V2, I "invert" the rear pad / battery on the Integra and it makes a nice compact package that fits nice. Inverting the battery on the headband does I suppose twist the power/data cable that is internal to the strap... do you think this is a bad thing in the long term? If you don't invert the pad it's extremely hard to have this fit compactly in any case, and I'll have to maybe carry it separately in a bag etc.? Thanks...

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