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Care Refresh after 48 hours


Mar 24, 2021
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Hi Guys,

I missed the 48 hour window to activate DJI care as I was on a remote island trying to fly the thing.

I contacted DJI today to purchase Care Refresh as I was unable to follow the instructions for Video Verification, as they use the DJI Fly app and screen record to prove that the drone is serviceable.

I received an email back today stating that to purchase Care Refresh, I'd have to SEND THE DRONE BACK TO THEM FOR TESTING before they would allow me to purchase Care Refresh.

What a cluster this is. I'm already pretty annoyed that the FPV Sim is iOS only...
Hi Guys,

I missed the 48 hour window to activate DJI care as I was on a remote island trying to fly the thing.

I contacted DJI today to purchase Care Refresh as I was unable to follow the instructions for Video Verification, as they use the DJI Fly app and screen record to prove that the drone is serviceable.

I received an email back today stating that to purchase Care Refresh, I'd have to SEND THE DRONE BACK TO THEM FOR TESTING before they would allow me to purchase Care Refresh.

What a cluster this is. I'm already pretty annoyed that the FPV Sim is iOS only...
well.. it DOES say in bold print you need to purchase the djirefresh within 48 hours. It's not on them to make a pleasant experience for people that didnt follow their instructions. Id say they are doing you a solid by even considering allowing you to do so. Im not trying to sound negative, but, it clearly states this everywhere. I chose not to fly mine until I was able to do it all at the same time.
I contacted DJI today to purchase Care Refresh as I was unable to follow the instructions for Video Verification, as they use the DJI Fly app and screen record to prove that the drone is serviceable.

why can you not do this? is this not possible on andriod? (sorry, only ever used iOS, and its pretty easy to do this on iOS )

I mean it makes sense, that DJI will only insure it if you can prove that the drone is still flying... otherwise people would just sign up when they crashed it ;)
(Im surprised a video is enough, you'd have thought they'd have need some flight logs - to tie the flight to the SN on the drone)

as for the sim iOS only, thats hardly surprising... iOS is much easier for developers, since the majority of users are on recent iOS versions, and there are a limited number of iOS devices. compare that to android, where users are distributed over a huge number of versions - there isnt even a simple majority on any one version, let alone hardware variations.

I am a little surprised, they haven't done a desktop (pc/mac) version , given they already have a sim runnng there - I guess the issue is they only have the video feed from the goggles currently working on iOS/Andriod... not desktops - hopefully this might change.
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is this not possible on andriod?
Yes it is

(Im surprised a video is enough, you'd have thought they'd have need some flight logs - to tie the flight to the SN on the drone)
That's the point, you have to see the telemetry overlay and browse through the menus where it shows the SN etc... but those are not displayed in the app for the FPV drone.
well.. it DOES say in bold print you need to purchase the djirefresh within 48 hours. It's not on them to make a pleasant experience for people that didnt follow their instructions. Id say they are doing you a solid by even considering allowing you to do so. Im not trying to sound negative, but, it clearly states this everywhere. I chose not to fly mine until I was able to do it all at the same time.
Not trying to sound negative? Lol. You sound like a (Mod Removed.)

I'm trying to pay them more money, with a commonly used process that works with all of their other products, in fact on the DJI website it even says Care Refresh for FPV can be purchased with video verification.

Doing me a solid considering it? Lol.

Oh, and their Customer Support for Care Refresh had NO idea about the FPV drone or how it works. She kept insisting their must be a problem with my App, have I tried reinstalling it etc. What phone are you running? S21 Ultra... Oh, that's not on our supported models list that must be why it doesn't work... Until I had to just cut her off and tell her that the App was fine and working as designed, the information just isn't there.
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Yes it is

That's the point, you have to see the telemetry overlay and browse through the menus where it shows the SN etc... but those are not displayed in the app for the FPV drone.

yeah, but they could ask you to send in the flight data - this can be downloaded either in the phone or on the desktop. (*)
(alternatively, you could screen record the playback data on the dji fly app)

of course, thats not to say they'll accept it ...

unfortunately, I'd not be surprised if DJI make it more difficult, just to encourage people to sign up in the first 48 hours - which is likely when 90% would be most likely to sign anyway.

(*) I guess, DJI could be concerned you could tamper with the data, but seems unlikely and they have relied on the authenticity of this data for flyaway/malfunction claims
I just bought a State Farm Personal Articles policy, $75 a year and covers anything with the drone, crashes, theft, fly away... and no payment on the replacement. I saw a lot of people talking about this so I called the local agent... quick and easy.
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I just bought a State Farm Personal Articles policy, $75 a year and covers anything with the drone, crashes, theft, fly away... and no payment on the replacement. I saw a lot of people talking about this so I called the local agent... quick and easy.
i didnt even know this was a thing
Lots in our other forums use their insurance co.
I don’t use State Farm and mine won’t cover none of mine.
You just have to contact your agent and see if they will you.
Lots in our other forums use their insurance co.
I don’t use State Farm and mine won’t cover none of mine.
You just have to contact your agent and see if they will you.
I don't use State Farm either, just this one thing.
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I don't use State Farm either, just this one thing.
You lucky,I called here and the agent wouldn’t mess with me.
And we’re a small town and everyone knows everyone pretty much.
  • Wow
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That's probably why...Hahaha! Couldn't resist! I had State Farm drone insurance until they got to know me....
Bout right Lon. That and don’t think he cared I had changed from them several years ago to a cheaper Agency for our Vehicle’s and house ?
Hi Guys,

I missed the 48 hour window to activate DJI care as I was on a remote island trying to fly the thing.

I contacted DJI today to purchase Care Refresh as I was unable to follow the instructions for Video Verification, as they use the DJI Fly app and screen record to prove that the drone is serviceable.

I received an email back today stating that to purchase Care Refresh, I'd have to SEND THE DRONE BACK TO THEM FOR TESTING before they would allow me to purchase Care Refresh.

What a cluster this is. I'm already pretty annoyed that the FPV Sim is iOS only...
Where did you buy it? If it's Amazon or Best Buy, look into their coverage or return it. That'll show 'em!

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