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Betaflight not seeing any activity from receiver

So I got my transmitter working and added an arm switch, de soldered the smart audio wire for the time being. But right now the quad is behaving quite weird. I set it down in the grass, armed it and slowly raised the throttle untill it would lift off. Instead, it would just make a big jump, and then disarmed itself. On the bench it is also behaving weird, of wich I included a video here:
The RPM of the motors going up for no reason, etc. I thought while I was searching for an answer I would post it here to see of either of you knew any fix.
I found a video by jushua barrdwell that explains why they are ramping in PRM in the bench, but I still don't know why the motors behave so agressively when I pick up the quad, wich is possibly the same reason why it jumps after wanting to take off.
Whoops, did not check the "motor direction is reversed" button, wobbling seems to be fixed now, will test it in the field one I have the chance
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Yes, it is critical for a number of things to be correct that many don't know about or forget...

Motor position is correct
Motor directions are correct
BF/FC knows about reversed props if used
FC orientation value is correct
Props are on correctly for motor rotation direction.

If you cover these there is a good chance it will fly.
That is normal because you do not have any props on and the quad is not flying. The gyro and accelerometers on the flight controller are trying to compensate for tilting it and it is sending signals output to the motors for this. Try a low hover test with the props on in a safe area, like outside in your yard or garage. If it lifts ok as you slightly throttle up and not flip, it should be all good. Make sure you test it in angle mode.
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