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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
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This is the second Kakute F7 Mini ESC that has been defective out of the box. Yes I have tried everything (continuity testing on ESC pads, reflashing BLHeli firmare, disabling RPM Filtering, etc etc).

You like to gamble? Go ahead and waste your money.


Was it the same motor on the first one? Did you try to switch 2 motors?
* replaced motor and that motor still desynced - ruled out
* disabled ESC telemetry - ruled out
* disabled RPM Filtering - ruled out
* continuity tested each ESC PAD - ruled out
* reflashed BLHeli fw -ruled out
* tried different PWM frequencies - ruled out
* tried different motor timings - ruled out

This is just a handful of the tests I did to check that I can remember off the top of my head. I would not be posting this had not done even the most basic tests like switching out motors.

Also, exact same problem on exact same stack from a completely different person:

I think it's safe to say this ESC sucks ***.
Oh yea almost forgot this.

So much for user error.
Had this exact issue with the HolyBro F7 HD stack. Right out of the box, twice, motor #4 esc intermittently sent signal. Now using same drive train without HB esc. Tmotor F55A PROII went into this build and another. Haven't had any issues after a couple months now. HolyBro makes good products but they definitely need to take care of this problem.
Perhaps what's more disconcerting is the technical support from Holybro when I first made them aware of this issue. They told me to enter 14 magnets for RPM filtering. I'm using 12 magnet 1404s. Then they told me I used too much conformal coating.

I won't even get into MyFPVStore.com which will not process a refund because they so conveniently sided with Holybro on this despite growing evidence to the contrary. I will be offering MyFPVStore.com one dollar for all their mothers. I'm sure they will go for it.

Used to think Holybro was a premium brand. Also used to think MyFPVStore might have a future with the getFPVs and RDQs of the world. Not so much.

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