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Runcam Swift 2 install on Wizard X220... Black screen?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Hi All, I finally received my new Run Cam Swift 2 upgrade for my Wizard X220.

I installed it by de-soldering the old camera connection, and then re-soldered the yellow, red, and black wires in the order shown, as on YouTube. When I power up, my googles finds 5.865 GHz as the ideal channel, but the screen is black with no OSD. (The camera lens is removed.) When I disconnect my quad I get static, possibly indicating that the camera is hooked up, although maybe it's just the VTX working regardless of the camera working.

It seems like a simple install, so I'm wondering why it's not working. Any suggestions?
I did a similar mod a while ago on my wizard and used Albert’s video to do it. Maybe review it and see how you go?
Another thing to look for is whether you have the right channel dialled in.
Thanks, it seems pretty simple by connecting the Yellow, Red, and black wires. I tried with and without the Vbat wire as well.

As a test, I uninstalled the Runcam Swift 2 and reinstalled the original camera, which again, worked just fine - So I'm at least doing this part correctly and the equipment is all still working. I then swapped in the Runcam Swift 2, and again I got the black screen. I've tried every channel as well, and NTSC and Pal. I'm not sure what else I can do, so I've contacted Banggood in case it's defective.
Thanks, it seems pretty simple by connecting the Yellow, Red, and black wires. I tried with and without the Vbat wire as well.

As a test, I uninstalled the Runcam Swift 2 and reinstalled the original camera, which again, worked just fine - So I'm at least doing this part correctly and the equipment is all still working. I then swapped in the Runcam Swift 2, and again I got the black screen. I've tried every channel as well, and NTSC and Pal. I'm not sure what else I can do, so I've contacted Banggood in case it's defective.
I’m not sure what’s worse, having a DOA camera or having to deal with Banggood. I just checked mine and there’s not much to it, so hopefully you won’t get jerked around getting a replacement.
I’m not sure what’s worse, having a DOA camera or having to deal with Banggood. I just checked mine and there’s not much to it, so hopefully you won’t get jerked around getting a replacement.
Luckily Banggood sent me a replacement, which was pretty easy and hassle-free other than sending pictures and videos of the defect. I injured my neck (herniated disc, old man problems) about a month ago, so I've been out of commission for a while. I had my first flying session today, but I'm still taking it easy for a while.

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