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Please Help with Rise Indorfin 130 Firmware


May 19, 2018
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Hello everybody this is my first adventure into FPV drones, and I sure could use your help !

Let me tell you my story !
Or skip the story and go to the bottom.

So, I bought the Rise indorfin 130 fpv racing all-in-one kit. Yeah, I know, I know, but this is litteraly my first time trying FPV drone flying !
So let me tell you what happened.
I bought this thing and had a great time flying it. It really zips ! As expected, I had a little tumble. After my little crash it didn't quite fly straight. It was turning a little bit to the right, and it was tilting a little bit to the right as well. I had to hold almost 60% on both of the sticks to the left to keep it steady.

Well that was a bummer !
I did a little research & read the manual on how to recalibrate the gyros if this happens. That it might fix the problem. okay so I have to connect to betaflight to do that.
So I literally took a few hours to learn everything I could about Betaflight.

Installed it.
Installed all the drivers.

Once done I connected the drone to BF, and all I did was push the reset calibration button. Thats it.
I watched the onscreen drone make the correction.
So, after doing that I disconnected the Drone from my computer and tried to fly it again to see if my problem was fixed.

But i cant tell, not yet, still dont know if it worked, because now I have a new problem. after the Cal Reset, I can not arm the motors !
In order to arm the motors i need to hold Lstick bottom right to arm the motors. Also a switch needs to be in a certain position. it was.
Still no arming Beep.
No prop movement.
Controller is connected.
No recponce.
I just reset the callibration.
Hmm, so i checked betaflight again to see if I could figure out if my controller was in pudding (i wont even correct that voice-rec error!) so i was not seeing any motion on the screen when moving the sticks.
Controller no workie.
So i researched and googled and youtubed to find a fix. My controller was connected to the drone. there is an indicator light on the bottom. and i tried reconnecting it several times. Still,
no input detected in Betaflight.
Can't arm motors.
So In a desperate move, I thought maybe if I were to update the firmware it might snap it out of its funk. I went back into Betaflight.
Go to firmware tab.
I can see the list of FC boards in the top selection window, but none seem to match what it said when I connected it.

And at the moment that I am writing this I cannot remember what exactly it was.
but it was like four letters srf3, maybe.
But anyway
I couldn't find that specific board name in the list I had availlable. so like a noob I chose betaflightf3 because I think I read something in the manual it said F3 so it seemed like a good idea at the time. so yeah I downloaded that firmware and copied it to the drone and now it's not happy at all !

it won't even connect now. I'm sure you guys are all laughing at me, but hey that's ok ! I don't know. I may have ruined the FC or I might have even bricked it. I took it back to the Hobby Shop, but they won't have their technician in until Monday, I also messaged the manufacturer Rise, on their website. But they wont get back to me untill Monday at the earliest. prob not tho.

So, I thought I would ask you guys.

If I knew which was the right firmware for my drone, (Rise indorfin 130) I might be able to get it working again !

Sorry for the long story !

Thanks for your help !

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SRF3 is an SPRacing F3, try to flash that and see if it comes back, but you lost all your config when you flashed so you will need to reconfigure betaflight. Normally you want to get a BF quad, connect, and go to CLI tab and do a “dump” and save it, that way you always know how it came from the factory. Perhaps you can find a cli dump for the new Rise offering. And by the way, I have at least 3 or 4 Vusion 250 and a couple House racers still, I use the displays and goggles all the time for others to ride along or adjust OSD’s etc, and the grand kids still fly them primarily. They are not high performance it’s true, but they are a great way for the average person to get started when they don’t understand it all, that’s how I started just 2 years ago.
Wow thanks for the responce.
Im going to try it right now !!!
yeah I really think this is a lot of fun !
Can't wait to get back in the air.
And I will report back if it worked or not.
I am hoping yes.

Thanks for your help !!
No responce from bootloader, programming failed.

and I tried with
no reboot seq on
Full chip erase on

Still.. when I try flashing it to the drone I get..

No responce from bootloader, programming failed.

I may have damaged the FC ?
It is possible, old FC's could POSSIBLY be bricked by flashing the wrong firmware, but I doubt it, this is a common problem you can have with BF. You need to figure out how to get this FC in "Boot" mode or DFU mode.

I am researching this new Rise quad which is among the first BF ones and you can get this back.

Get the first program linked here (driver fixer), you will want it in the future, run it and see if it can get the FC in DFU mode, you will know because the COM# in BF will change to DFU and try flashing it again.


Then get this and copy paste into the CLI tab to get most of your settings back.

INDORFIN 130 Brushless FPV-R Race Drone - RISE

There really is a lot of this info in the manual and at the website, once you know what you are looking for.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Thank You !
I did see the settings on the company website that was nice of them to put that there and I read the manual, litteraly learned ALL of this in one day ! But the KEY info I needed, that was not anywhere anywhere. was that board name thank you so much for that. I won't give up on it yet. I can muscle my way through the rest of this, I am hoping !

Will keep you posted !
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I'm watching some videos on YouTube some guy says I might have to short two pins on a port that's on the bottom of the flightcontroller boot pins. not quite sure which two pins there's four pins in that Port I'm assuming maybe the center too but I don't know I need to research a lot more before I do anything like that
Newer FC's don't need to do that, this one is semi specialty in all likelihood, the Impulse RC Driver fixer should be able to do it. If not I would think that Rise put a micro push button where you can get to it to put it in Boot mode (Bootloader mode) to flash it. It is possible that it has 2 boot pins, it is even possible it really is an old SPRacing F3 which does have boot pads. I have 4 of them (3 in quads and 1 in a bag) I will post a picture of it and the boot pads for you, standby
Here is what the original looks like, if it looks like this then here are the boot pins, they need to be shorted (I use a small paperclip horseshoe) when the USB is plugged in. If there is a solid blue LED and you see a red LED flash when power comes on normally, then when you short the boot pins the red will not flash at all and that is your indication it is in bootloader mode. I tested and this FC is too old for the driver fixer to do it and you will not see the COM port change to DFU, but you should still be able to flash it. Project Blue Falcon did a good vid on the kinds of problems you can run into, but the bottom line is try a few times and you will likely get it.

ok I made progress !!!

I have it connected to Betaflight!!
and it's updated the firmware successfully Thats great !!
Now my problem is the controller not conecting to the drone.

But i am in much better shape now !!
I have the settings restored and it looks level
Thank you for everything.
Really helped me through this !
The "Provider Protocol" is not correct by default, paste the CLI dump off the rise website and see if that does it. It is simply a matter of BF configuration now so you are much closer to getting it back up and running. There is really a lot to know and understand to work on these things and get them flying just right, you will get it.
Got it flying !!

Had a great flight today in a big open field.

It was awesome !

Thanks again for your help !!!

what all did you do. very similar issue with mine but im not getting anywhere. it did connect to bf but sinec ive disconnected nothing works...nad now it wont connect back to bf
@sev, did u read through and digest what is said here? we will need info from you, before we can give info back, try reading and understanding the post and then perhaps you can do some checking and give us something more specific than what you've said.
I tried to follow what all was said in this thread, as well as videos and other suggestions....
But i got it going... didn't think of it sooner but as i was starting at the display in bf trying to see what may have changed
Well why don't u hook up my son's since we're have the same and copy it over.
Went through about 12 sorties today,
dont know what the hell happened but since my last sortie ...same thing again...

props off.
usb cord connected.
open betaflight.
reset bind with transmitter, shows connected on the drone.
receiver tab-
roll at 1453
pitch at 1472
roll at 1498
throttle at 902

all aux channels are off center by 20
and 13 and 14 are 988

master motor slider works- all 4 spin up same time.
receiver tab- transmitter show inputs.
motor tab- no transmitter input, still shows bound on drone
Motor tab wont show any TX inputs, and when connected to BF the quad might not arm. Why your values are changing like that I am not sure, should be 1000/Low, 1500/Mid, and 2000/High.
still stuck...replaced the flight controller

same thing...

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