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Aug 12, 2020
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Ever since the first leaks about the new DJi FPV drone came out, I've been seeing nothing but hate about it. What's the fuss all about? Is it because it's digital and everyone doesn't wanna let go of analog? Is it because it takes away from the built-it-yourself rule that UAV pilots abide by? Or is it because they feel like this drone is like that annoying friend that unexpectedly crashed the party?

I've been using DJI drones for a while now and I, for one, am very satisfied with their products. For someone with little experience with FPVs, I think that this would be a welcome addition to the industry. If you don't want it, then don't buy it! I don't understand the hate.

All I can see is that DJI wants to enter the untapped area of the market, and that for me is ingenious. I hope that everyone holds their opinion zt least until the product gets released. I'm one of those certainly looking forward to what this drone and entire system as a whole has to offer.
DJI’s FPV racing drone looks mighty real in these leaked photos
Ever since the first leaks about the new DJi FPV drone came out, I've been seeing nothing but hate about it. What's the fuss all about? Is it because it's digital and everyone doesn't wanna let go of analog? Is it because it takes away from the built-it-yourself rule that UAV pilots abide by? Or is it because they feel like this drone is like that annoying friend that unexpectedly crashed the party?

I've been using DJI drones for a while now and I, for one, am very satisfied with their products. For someone with little experience with FPVs, I think that this would be a welcome addition to the industry. If you don't want it, then don't buy it! I don't understand the hate.

All I can see is that DJI wants to enter the untapped area of the market, and that for me is ingenious. I hope that everyone holds their opinion zt least until the product gets released. I'm one of those certainly looking forward to what this drone and entire system as a whole has to offer.
DJI’s FPV racing drone looks mighty real in these leaked photos
This wont be a real FPV drone, it will have its limitations. You can tell this by the pictures this drone is designed not to be crashed. DJI will not have thousands of customers sending in the drones for repairs because of them not having experience in flying acro. DJI has been in the industry for a while, I believe they sell their own freestyle frames.

I think this drone will have the ability to dive and maybe have a type of HORIZON mode in which it will ultimately right is itself back to level in a controlled environment(with gps). Plus I believe this drone will have the famous GEO fencing and maybe ADSB. Good luck flying over 400 feet when you want to dive mountains, 400 feet is nothing when diving.

DJI I agree, makes great products, I use their digital system, however they are also a very big company and do not want the liability so this FPV drone wont be any different from their other camera drones when it comes to FAA and safety. Think of this drone coming out being more like a camera drone where they have loosened up the controls a bit so that it can go faster, and increase and decrease in altitude quicker.

The one axis gimbal that might eliminate the pilot having to tilt the camera angle manually could be a nice idea and I also did not see a phone being used under the transmitter, maybe with the V2 goggles they have incorporated the smart controller internals in the new version well see. I really do not think you will be able to turn off GPS with this drone since that will be DJI safe guard from it having people flying it away or into something. It might even incorporate sensors so that you cannot smash it into the ground, or have the throttle fixed like their camera drones. Well seen soon enough.
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Have not seen the hate and am also looking forward to DJI
actually putting out just what it does do. I don’t know if it will be like the kit that is all digital where you place it in one you build
and add a gopro or just what. Ive watched YT’s on it and here is a thread from one
of other forums if you're Interested .
Now depending on what camera it has and would love to see a GPS button to hit to stabilize it like the P2's had the switch to go from manual back to GPS mode i will have one .
Yeah, did you see what they thought it would cost. I don't or didn't think it would be that high and we really won't till they do come out with it.
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More details and flight footage of the new DJI FPV drone. Love how DroneDJ crops the pics to remove the watermarks and then adds massive watermarks of their own then doesn't credit the source of the information. Pretty lame reporting practices.

Lots on YouTube on it now. Here’s a unboxing.
More details and flight footage of the new DJI FPV drone. Love how DroneDJ crops the pics to remove the watermarks and then adds massive watermarks of their own then doesn't credit the source of the information. Pretty lame reporting practices.

That flight footage is obviously fake since you can see red props in the shot. I am surprised Drone DJ even posted that.
DroneDJ has a habit of lazy reporting. They just copy what everyone else is posting and try to pass it off as heir own. Having worked in journalist in my younger days, I still have a problem with journalist that don't do the work and just pass of other people's stories as their own.
Lots on YouTube on it now. Here’s a unboxing.
This unboxing was hilarious! Poor guy obviously is new to drones or FPV at the very least. Was great to see to box contents but maybe play it on mute unless you want a chuckle. Hopefully people aren't too hard on this young kid. He seemed so sincere in wanting to show off this new toy!
Well from what I’ve seen we will find out in March.
Like it or not but no need in knocking it.
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I'm not knocking the DJI drone, I think it's great!! It will bring FPV to a greater audience and help the hobby grow. I can see many DJI camera drone owners buying it then getting into FPV drones after crashing the DJI a few times and wanting a more robust platform. Plus the FPV community is starting to get more visibility and traction with a lot of professional applications. The DJI FPV drone will do alot for the FPV community! DJI makes great products so I'm sure this one will be great for what it's intended purpose is.
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I'm not knocking the DJI drone, I think it's great!! It will bring FPV to a greater audience and help the hobby grow. I can see many DJI camera drone owners buying it then getting into FPV drones after crashing the DJI a few times and wanting a more robust platform. Plus the FPV community is starting to get more visibility and traction with a lot of professional applications. The DJI FPV drone will do alot for the FPV community! DJI makes great products so I'm sure this one will be great for what it's intended purpose is.
You bet it will as I will have one when it’s available.?

There are several shots in here where it looks like a gimbal is used to change the camera angle while maintaining the same speed. Could be legit!
Got my tracking number this morning!
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I suppose technically it is.. but some reseller are shipping already. Kinda sucks anyway because aparently DJI is blocking the activation servers till Tuesday.
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Will the v2 goggles and remote work with the air and cadxx systems on the old racers and minis? Also the new ”wii” remote?

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