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Looking for pilots and folks in the know

Kyle Remmenga

New Member
Aug 13, 2016
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Hi guys.
I'm not a drone pilot. But I'm in search for several.
Actually, truth be told, I'm trying to create something from scratch.
I love love love to watch FPV racing. But I feel like up until now, there has been a pretty generic development as far as the entertainment side goes. I have lots of ideas to make it not only better, but entirely different than anything that's come before.
So I want to create my own show, be it network or on the web.
But I need all sorts of things to make a worthwhile pitch and concept.
I need footage. Gobs and gobs of footage. Filmed in new and interesting ways that myself and my associates would show up, film and create. We are looking for events, pilots and makers of mini quad racers to team up with us in making an awesome submission for a new show.
I'm interested in filming the personalities and the teams behind them as well. Everything from building the drones to the process of setting up an event. I want to film it all.
It would involve mostly just you doing your thing and letting me film you in action. I can give the footage I collect over to you for your own personal use as well as there is no copyright issue with submitting a pitch.
We're looking for very ambitious and very skilled pilots around SoCal, Los Angeles in particular.
So if anyone has any resources or is themselves interested in joining me on the highly unlikely, difficult and costly attempt at being a part of something, please help me out.
About me, I'm a video editor by trade and make ads and movie spots for network specific programs. I really want to start my own program and I'm currently in talks with a producer to make it happen.

So...anyone have any leads for me?
Thanks guys.
Hey I've been flying for a few years I've got a bit of knowledge about building but I've recently ventured into a portable landing pad if you will that goes any where but most important you never smash your rig into pieces anymore trying to land with that 45 degree camera angle so I created the drone finish line. Lol I can get some good footage of the upstart and I'm a pretty good pilot me and my tattoo artist could prob be contenders if we had more races close. Also I have a family member who is an actor and has a few ties with people in Atlanta if any of that helps contact me
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I also can have that family member shoot the video and I can submit due to she knows what she's doing and I'm across the U.S. From you
Hey I've been flying for a few years I've got a bit of knowledge about building but I've recently ventured into a portable landing pad if you will that goes any where but most important you never smash your rig into pieces anymore trying to land with that 45 degree camera angle so I created the drone finish line. Lol I can get some good footage of the upstart and I'm a pretty good pilot me and my tattoo artist could prob be contenders if we had more races close. Also I have a family member who is an actor and has a few ties with people in Atlanta if any of that helps contact me

Nice! I'm definitely interested in talking more on your finish line. Tattoo artist? That could be cool. Do you guys do any custom designs for your drones? Yeah Atlanta is a hike. But the idea of having folks from all over involved would only help I think. It would show the network that this is not just some local hobby but something that can draw real nation wide interest. I'll give you the contact of my producer who is in NY so you can at least have the same timezone to communicate.
Hi guys.
I'm not a drone pilot. But I'm in search for several.
Actually, truth be told, I'm trying to create something from scratch.
I love love love to watch FPV racing. But I feel like up until now, there has been a pretty generic development as far as the entertainment side goes. I have lots of ideas to make it not only better, but entirely different than anything that's come before.
So I want to create my own show, be it network or on the web.
But I need all sorts of things to make a worthwhile pitch and concept.
I need footage. Gobs and gobs of footage. Filmed in new and interesting ways that myself and my associates would show up, film and create. We are looking for events, pilots and makers of mini quad racers to team up with us in making an awesome submission for a new show.
I'm interested in filming the personalities and the teams behind them as well. Everything from building the drones to the process of setting up an event. I want to film it all.
It would involve mostly just you doing your thing and letting me film you in action. I can give the footage I collect over to you for your own personal use as well as there is no copyright issue with submitting a pitch.
We're looking for very ambitious and very skilled pilots around SoCal, Los Angeles in particular.
So if anyone has any resources or is themselves interested in joining me on the highly unlikely, difficult and costly attempt at being a part of something, please help me out.
About me, I'm a video editor by trade and make ads and movie spots for network specific programs. I really want to start my own program and I'm currently in talks with a producer to make it happen.

So...anyone have any leads for me?
Thanks guys.[/QUOTE
Hi guys.
I'm not a drone pilot. But I'm in search for several.
Actually, truth be told, I'm trying to create something from scratch.
I love love love to watch FPV racing. But I feel like up until now, there has been a pretty generic development as far as the entertainment side goes. I have lots of ideas to make it not only better, but entirely different than anything that's come before.
So I want to create my own show, be it network or on the web.
But I need all sorts of things to make a worthwhile pitch and concept.
I need footage. Gobs and gobs of footage. Filmed in new and interesting ways that myself and my associates would show up, film and create. We are looking for events, pilots and makers of mini quad racers to team up with us in making an awesome submission for a new show.
I'm interested in filming the personalities and the teams behind them as well. Everything from building the drones to the process of setting up an event. I want to film it all.
It would involve mostly just you doing your thing and letting me film you in action. I can give the footage I collect over to you for your own personal use as well as there is no copyright issue with submitting a pitch.
We're looking for very ambitious and very skilled pilots around SoCal, Los Angeles in particular.
So if anyone has any resources or is themselves interested in joining me on the highly unlikely, difficult and costly attempt at being a part of something, please help me out.
About me, I'm a video editor by trade and make ads and movie spots for network specific programs. I really want to start my own program and I'm currently in talks with a producer to make it happen.

So...anyone have any leads for me?
Thanks guys.
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