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Lhi racing drone from Amazon

tom mackey

Active Member
Jan 9, 2018
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Hi guys I'm new to drone racing and I saw this bargain on Amazon for a racing drone.
Since getting it I had to order the battery.

Now here's the problem in stuck with.
By the looks of things the flysky fs-t6 controller is binded as the flashing red light isn't flashing.. but for some strange reason it's just not doing anything.
What would be the next stage to look at to get my drone working.. any help please much appreciated


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Sounds like you need to look into the configuration in the Flight Controller. I can't seem to find much about the LHI online, but from what I can find it is running OpenPilot on a CC3D Flight Controller. Unfortunately I don't know anybody that is familiar with that stuff.
Looked like really mixed reviews on that one, some said fantastic straight out of the box and one even said received used? But yeah not much info at all on it sorry .
Looked like really mixed reviews on that one, some said fantastic straight out of the box and one even said received used? But yeah not much info at all on it sorry .
Thanks for your help anyways

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Sounds like you need to look into the configuration in the Flight Controller. I can't seem to find much about the LHI online, but from what I can find it is running OpenPilot on a CC3D Flight Controller. Unfortunately I don't know anybody that is familiar with that stuff.
I've noticed as well from deep inspection that one of the parts isn't fully connected but still they welded it.. later on I'll get a picture and show you.. and yeah thanks I'll look into the openpilot.

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Hi Tom,
Shoot a couple of pictures of the "welded" part, I assume you mean soldered but I'm interested to see what you mean.

I am too new to the hobby so I am no expert, but I think OpenPilot was one of the original flight control softwares and the CC3D I think is an old flight controller.

I think they may still work ok for you if you can figure them out. I'm guessing searching RCGroups and Youtube may be your friends in this endeavour.
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Hi Tom,
Shoot a couple of pictures of the "welded" part, I assume you mean soldered but I'm interested to see what you mean.

I am too new to the hobby so I am no expert, but I think OpenPilot was one of the original flight control softwares and the CC3D I think is an old flight controller.

I think they may still work ok for you if you can figure them out. I'm guessing searching RCGroups and Youtube may be your friends in this endeavour.
Hopefully these pictures can help? I'll try a little video of how far I get with turning it on too which might help as well and yes I meant soldered lol

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That pin header not being flush when it was soldered is no big deal at all, no worries about that.
Hopefully these pictures can help? I'll try a little video of how far I get with turning it on too which might help as well and yes I meant soldered lol

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I've tried a video and it won't upload

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Hopefully these pictures can help? I'll try a little video of how far I get with turning it on too which might help as well and yes I meant soldered lol

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Think I need to boot up my old laptop and find a connector online to buy as I haven't got one and go from there.. does the openpilot show me how to sort it step by step ?

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3 things...

If you want to post a vid, you need to upload it to youtube and "publish" it, then grab the link to the vid and post that. It will link to the youtube vid and show up in the thread like normal.

You should have a USB port on the CC3D board and every computer has one of those right? You shouldn't NEED to fire up the old laptop near as I can tell.

I am not sure what OpenPilot will walk you through, but I would think there is plenty out there on the interwebs that will help you sort it.
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Here is a picture of (what I think is) your FC, it says the usb port is on the left hand side of the pin headers in your photo, on the bottom side. Not sure how easy it will be to get to, you may have to disassemble a bit to get to it. This is a common hurdle and many FC's are oriented in the quad NOT facing forward just so the USB is easily accessible to the user.

I would think it is a micro usb but it could be a mini usb, I cant find a good enough picture to tell.

Here is a couple links you may want to read up on. The first shows a good enough picture that I can say it looks like a USB mini connector and NOT a micro USB connector. The second link has some good info and a link to OpenPilot stuff that may help.

https://www.geeetech.com/Documents/CC3D flight control board.pdf


My search was for "cc3d flight controller manual"
Reading that just made me think, this is definitely going to sound stupid.. but how would you arm the racing drone? I guess everyone is different.

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Reading that just made me think, how would you arm the racing drone? I guess everyone is different.

That is something you will need to set up, it's a part of plugging your PC/Mac into your flight controller board and getting a handle on OpenPilot and how it is set up.

It is possible that if you hold throttle down and to the inside (right), that the motors could start. Throttle down and to the outside (left) and the motors will stop. That is the default built into most if not configured differently.

Virtue is right, I would put the arm command on a switch on the transmitter, and knowing how to do all that, and having tested it all for proper operation BEFORE putting props on, is key to knowing what to expect when you try to fly it for the first time.

I personally have my arme sequence on a switch with an extra safety switch for extra safety. Did I mention these things aren't toys and you can never have too much safety with these things.

I have a motto, when in doubt, no friggin props!

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Hey @tom mackey, that FC might not even have Libre OpenPilot on it anymore, it could have BetaFlight or something else on it. That is one of the first things you need to figure out, what flight control software is running on your Flight Controller.

I would check out this google search (the one by CheFPV looks ideal to learn how to talk to your cc3d) and do some reading/watching to get your CC3D sea legs about you, that will go a long way to getting you up to speed enough to figure this out.

They still support your FC, you may want to think about flashing yours with BF even if it is running OpenPilot. There is 2 CC3D boards listed, you would just have to figure out which one it is to pick the right firmware for it.

That is something you will need to set up, it's a part of plugging your PC/Mac into your flight controller board and getting a handle on OpenPilot and how it is set up.

It is possible that if you hold throttle down and to the inside (right), that the motors could start. Throttle down and to the outside (left) and the motors will stop. That is the default built into most if not configured differently.

Virtue is right, I would put the arm command on a switch on the transmitter, and knowing how to do all that, and having tested it all for proper operation BEFORE putting props on, is key to knowing what to expect when you try to fly it for the first time.

I personally have my arme sequence on a switch with an extra safety switch for extra safety. Did I mention these things aren't toys and you can never have too much safety with these things.

I have a motto, when in doubt, no friggin props!

Since I got this I haven't even attempted to put props on so yes I'm very safe with it and thanks guys soon as I finish work, I'll give it a go.. so your telling me I can set the arm switch to a switch.. and o do that though my controller?

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