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FPV Manual Mode -- Third Flight

Being lazy, is there any sort of mobile Android front end to duplicating DJI Assistant functionality for modifying parameters? NLD?
Not aware of any on android, but DH can do from PC. Been a while since I last used assistant for that.
Just bought a DH license for the FPV. Don't know if I'll activate the cert, don’t really need the unlocks, but thought I should pay for the app since I'm going to use it to hack parameters.

Any suggested changes?
I think the only other one I have and do on all my DJI aircraft is disable the "avoid_ground_and_smart_landing_enable" to get rid of the aircraft stopping 30cm from the ground and then doing an autoland, mostly because I hand catch often and having full control all the way is obviously much safer.
No, wrong.

Describe what behavior of the drone you expect in M mode with the right stick held by friction slightly off-center. How do you envision the attitude of the aircraft relative to horizontal?
The attitude? No clue.

I've done 8 or 10 "Normal --> Manual" transitions now. In every case, when the "stick image" page comes up, it tells me to lower the left stick, and leave the right stick alone. In every case, once I do that and Manual gets engaged, the aircraft wallows around for a couple of seconds, and then starts to drift backwards and downwards.

Because this happens every time, in exactly the same direction, it has to be the result of the control stick positions, and not some random perturbation.

I think I've been a bit sloppy in my use of the term "hover". I'm not expecting to get it to hover in the positive stability sense that most DJI drones hover. I'm expecting to be able to significantly extend the "wallow" phase, and to be able to keep it (relatively) stationary, with minimal control movements. Again, this in a no-wind condition.

Hopefully, that's a little more clear.

I'm clearly failing to communicate.
I was just watching the velocidrone tuts, and they point out that at a high camera angle, the throttle has very little effect on the height compared to a lower angle, which makes sense because of the balance of the two force vectors.

It helped me to imagine the palm of ones hand is the drone and so you're going in a straight line with your fingers pointing slightly down, now drive that hand around a curve nice and smooth and just watch yourself apply yaw and roll automatically as you imagine the thrust vector at right angles to the plane of your hand while also imagining that the object also has it's own momentum to deal with. Here you're using the left stick to push yourself through and around the corner.

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