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ESC Calibration with Naze32/Littlebee30A/Cleanflight)


New Member
Feb 20, 2020
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Hello guys,

i am having a rough time training to build a quad.

While i wait for my own parts, i have a old quad here to train on and i had to swap out the ESCs. The quad flew fine before.

Main parts :
-F1 Naze 32 rev6 FC
-Littlebee 30A ESC x4 with Bl heli rev 14.9 flashed on all 4 ( was 2x 14.6 and 2x 14.3 before )
-i need to use Cleanflight coz the FC is too old for Betaflight support. (you only get a CLI tab if u connect to betaflight)
-Cleanflight v 2.4
-Bl Heli Suite v 16.7
So i soldered everything together and the first time i went into BLheli, i was able to get bl heli to read all 4 ESCs as 1 Master and 3 Slaves.
The next time i did "read setup" he only found 2 of 4 ESCs and marked the others ones as "unknown/ereased".
Click "read setup" again and now the other 2 are unknown....

I went into Cleanflight and yet all my radio settings were still there. All Inputs seemed fine
Well, then i tried to calibrate the ESCs in Cleanflight Motortab

-Now i need to drag the MasterSlider for the motors all way up.... Nothing. I cannot drag the slider. It is locked in place.
Am i missing something ?
The Li-Po is supposed to get connected after the Motorslider is up, so that wont be the cause.
I tried different Laptop,Cables etc nothing worked.

Then i tried to calibrate them in bl heli.
i can make all 4 motors spin, but when i want to give it a "fast throttle input" with the Masterslider in bl heli, it shuts of almost instant.

It seems like with any technical problem in my lifetime, this problem is not present to any other human on this planet according to google and Co. so yeeeeah....
i couldnt find a person who also cannot drag the Motoslider.

Help would be really appreciated

Greetings and save flying
That is an old type of FC board. I would recommend upgrading to an F4 type or F7. But if you have to use that board, try downgrading to Cleanflight 1.2.4 firmware (sometimes the older Naze boards will only work right with that firmware). I started my builds with lots on Naze 32 boards is how I learned. Try flashing down the ESCs to 14.9 if you can find that older BLHeli version. Otherwise, if it comes up showing unknown when you try reading it, you are locked out from ever flashing it to any firmware, and what is on it is all you can work with. You won't be able to do any editing to the unknown ESCs in BLHeli.

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