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Best way to start is with FPV


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
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Took out my drone today for the second time with FPV. You guys werent kidding about starting with fpv being a good idea. I got good at flying without the goggles which took a long time. Once i got my goggles and took it out for the first time, it literally was starting all over again. Word of advice, learn with FPV first.
Don't worry Carlos....I did the same exact thing...got decent and comfortable at LOS then thought FPV would be cake (NOPE!)
It was disorientation and hearing the bird was weird for me to......but...have..no...fear.......
By my 5th Battery I could finally keep it in the air (didn't say I was good but could keep it in the air for good amount of time).

1st...Sit down. It's so much easier if your sitting to start out. I would wobble and feel like I'm falling over. I would also notice that I found myself gripping my TX soo hard. You have to realize your gripping it to hard and losen up a bit. Lol.

2. Simulator helped me a good amount even tho my computer is old and slow with a bit of lag. Still helped.

3. Do what I did...just keep at it. There will be a turning point when you say..."I got This now!" Thats where I'm at. I got about 10 batteries into it and im now zipping around trees at ground level and flying over trees really welll. I still crash but it's just the way it is.
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Don't worry Carlos....I did the same exact thing...got decent and comfortable at LOS then thought FPV would be cake (NOPE!)
It was disorientation and hearing the bird was weird for me to......but...have..no...fear.......
By my 5th Battery I could finally keep it in the air (didn't say I was good but could keep it in the air for good amount of time).

1st...Sit down. It's so much easier if your sitting to start out. I would wobble and feel like I'm falling over. I would also notice that I found myself gripping my TX soo hard. You have to realize your gripping it to hard and losen up a bit. Lol.

2. Simulator helped me a good amount even tho my computer is old and slow with a bit of lag. Still helped.

3. Do what I did...just keep at it. There will be a turning point when you say..."I got This now!" Thats where I'm at. I got about 10 batteries into it and im now zipping around trees at ground level and flying over trees really welll. I still crash but it's just the way it is.
Thanks for the advise. It was super weird hearing it. I think that listening to it kind of made me more nervous. It disorianted me alot. I ended up turning my back towards it so it wasnt that confusing. I tried sitting which helped a bit but was more comfortable standing. Practice makes perfect.
Don't worry....the hearing it phenomenon will go away as you get better. You have to really focus on what your seeing on the screen. It will get easier. I practiced for a good amount of time just hovering in front of myself as I was looking at myself. It helped too
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Hey All,
Just wanted to input a little 1st hand experience, I got my LOS down pat, just started flying FPV and wanted to share my experience. I tried right out of the gate using my F210 Racer with FatShark Dominator V3 Glasses (mistake), the depth of field and the field of view (140 degrees) was very confusing and disorienting compared to real location and situation.

I installed a HDMI output module to my Phantom 3 Pro which allowed me to use FPV with the Phantom, for those who have never used a Phantom I don't consider it flying, more like driving them, they are so self sufficient and correct many mistakes you may make.

It was much easier to get used to the FPV using the Phantom (any self leveling drone with RTH will work fine or a mini you can't hurt or hurt something else) as compared to the F210, good idea to have a spotter when first trying FPV, after 5-6 minutes of flying and pulling of the glasses you may have no idea where your drone is unless you remember your landmarks or stay real close to your flying position.

All in all, will continue using the P3P until comfortable with FPV then move on to the F210 blurred rocket vision !
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