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Will this setup/build work?


Apr 17, 2017
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Hi, I'm new to this hobby and would love some advice.
I have decided that I'm gonna build my own quad, but I'm afraid that the components won't work together.

So I think I'm gonna go with this build:

Frame: A250 Carbon Fibre Racing Drone Frame - 21,28$
A250 Carbon Fibre Racing Drone Frame

Motors: DYS 1804-2300KV BX Series Set of Two CW/CCW Motors - 2x 39,32$
DYS 1804-2300KV BX Series Set of Two CW/CCW Motors

ESC: Turnigy MultiStar Race Spec 4-In-1 10A BLHeli-S ESC 2~3s (Opto) - 29,61$
Turnigy MultiStar Race Spec 4-In-1 10A BLHeli-S ESC 2~3s (Opto)

Flight controller: KISS F3 32bit Flight Controller V1.03 - 31,76$
KISS F3 32bit Flight Controller V1.03

Props: Gemfan Propeller 5x3 Black (CW/CCW) (2pcs) - 0,99$
Gemfan Propeller 5x3 Black (CW/CCW) (2pcs)

Camera: Maybe the Runcam Swift 2 ? - 40$ or Runcam Eagle?

Video transmitter(VTX): ImmersionRC 5.8Ghz Audio/Video Transmitter - FatShark compatible (600mw) - 45$

Radio transmitter(TX): FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST TARANIS X9D PLUS and X8R Combo Digital Telemetry Radio System (Mode 2) - 210$

Receiver(RX): FrSky D4R-II 4ch 2.4Ghz ACCST Receiver (w/telemetry) - 23,40$

Battery: MultiStar Racer Series 1400mAh 3S 65C Lipo Pack For FPV Minis (Gold Spec) - 19,42$

Battery charger: Haven't found one yet.

FPV googles: FatShark Dominator V3 - 350$

Yeah, sorry there is a bit much.
So I calculated the quad to weigh about 650 gram, and I'm afraid that the motors can't lift so much...

Will this work? Is there any changes to be made? And do I have everything I need for building and flying the quad?

Also, I want to fly acro/rate can I do that with the KISS F3?

I will appreciate any help.
Thank you.

My thoughts...

Get a frame in the 210-230mm range for 5" props.

10A ESCs is way too low, get at least 20A.

18xx motors are too small for a 5", get 2205 or 2206.

Also there is no way that is 650g, more like 450g tops.
Runcam swift is comparable to the eagle but has built in OSD!!
Think about the Taranis QX7 Transmitter......watch the reviews??
Emax 2205/2300KV motors come highly praised
I would go cheap from China on some stuff. Motors, frame, ESCs, FC, VTX, can all come from banggood or some place IMO. Get a quality radio, goggles, camera, etc first then go all out on your second build or possibly upgrade later but probably won't be needed for most stuff..
I would go cheap from China on some stuff. Motors, frame, ESCs, FC, VTX, can all come from banggood or some place IMO. Get a quality radio, goggles, camera, etc first then go all out on your second build or possibly upgrade later but probably won't be needed for most stuff..

Please stop telling people to buy from china!! Buy from AMERICAN shops first!! Only buy from China if you can't find it in American shops. Common sense.....Two good ones are
Grayson Hobby.com
GetFpv.com(My Favorite with excellent customer service)
Ebay and make sure its not from china

If you buy from China it takes like a month to get and you're taking one **** of a chance on getting it replaced if its defective..Makes sense, right...

I bought goggles Two from Bangood and they arrived defective.....after a month of dealing with them they finally refunded me....ITS only worth it if you CAN'tT find it in America plus you're helping out American shops to grow..... Don't Be like that!!
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Please stop telling people to buy from china!! Buy from AMERICAN shops first!! Only buy from China if you can't find it in American shops. Common sense.....Two good ones are
Grayson Hobby.com
GetFpv.com(My Favorite with excellent customer service)
Ebay and make sure its not from china

If you buy from China it takes like a month to get and you're taking one hell of a chance on getting it replaced if its defective..Makes sense, right...

I bought goggles Two from Bangood and they arrived defective.....after a month of dealing with them they finally refunded me....ITS only worth it if you CAN'tT find it in America plus you're helping out American shops to grow..... Don't Be like that!!

On your Goggles Two, did you check PAL/NTSC setting?
My thoughts...

Get a frame in the 210-230mm range for 5" props.

10A ESCs is way too low, get at least 20A.

18xx motors are too small for a 5", get 2205 or 2206.

Also there is no way that is 650g, more like 450g tops.

Runcam swift is comparable to the eagle but has built in OSD!!
Think about the Taranis QX7 Transmitter......watch the reviews??
Emax 2205/2300KV motors come highly praised

Thank you both for helping :D

I will start looking and researching for other components then.
My thoughts...

Get a frame in the 210-230mm range for 5" props.

10A ESCs is way too low, get at least 20A.

18xx motors are too small for a 5", get 2205 or 2206.

Also there is no way that is 650g, more like 450g tops.

Runcam swift is comparable to the eagle but has built in OSD!!
Think about the Taranis QX7 Transmitter......watch the reviews??
Emax 2205/2300KV motors come highly praised

I have researched and found new components to my build and would love if you could give it a quick look :)

Frame: SLICK 220mm Drone Composite Kit - 17$
SLICK 220mm Drone Composite Kit

Motors: Scorpion M-2204-2300KV Brushless Outrunner Motor Pair (CW & CCW) - 2x 58,28$
Scorpion M-2204-2300KV Brushless Outrunner Motor Pair (CW & CCW)

ESC: Flyduino KISS 24A Race Edition ESC (2~5S) - 4x 83,16$
Flyduino KISS 24A Race Edition ESC (2~5S)

Flight controller: KISS F3 32bit Flight Controller V1.03 - 31,76$
KISS F3 32bit Flight Controller V1.03

PDB: Flyduino KISS 24A Mini Power Distribution Board - 11$

Props: GemFan 5045 ABS 3-Blade Propellers CW/CCW Set Green (1 pair) - 1,62$

Camera: RunCam Swift 2 600TVL FPV Camera PAL (Black) (Top Plug) - 40$

Video transmitter(VTX): TBS™ Unify Pro V2 5.8ghz VTX - 40$

Antenna: TBS™ Triumph RP-SMA (2pcs) - 40$

Radio(TX): FrSky 2.4GHz ACCST TARANIS X9D PLUS - 170$

Receiver(RX): FrSky X4RSB 3/16ch 2.4Ghz ACCST Receiver (w/telemetry) - 25,40$

Battery: MultiStar Racer Series 1400mAh 3S 65C Lipo Pack For FPV Minis (Gold Spec) - 19,42$
Or this one:

Battery charger: Still haven't found one yet.

Fpv googles: FatShark Dominator v3 - 350$

Yeah, there's even more than before.

So this should work together.
I have followed your advice, I have read articles and watched youtube videos.

Is there any changes to be made?

Thank you and have a awesome day!
Only thing I don't really like is that frame. If it was me, I would get a frame more like this one (or a martian):

Amazon.com: Readytosky ZMR220-RX H210 H220 FPV Racing Drone Frame Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Frame gift( w/ props and battery strap): Toys & Games

Also, those are nice motors and ESCs but you could get some cheaper ones IMO If you want. For motors, See Racerstar on banggood or these: Amazon.com: DLFPV ® 4pcs DX2205 2300KV Brushless Motor for FPV Drone Racing Quadcopter 2CW 2CCW in Red: Toys & Games

Lots of ESC options, these are very good too 4X Racerstar RS30A V2 30A Blheli_S ESC OPTO 2-4S Support Oneshot42 Multishot 16.5 Dshot600 Sale - Banggood Mobile
Only thing I don't really like is that frame. If it was me, I would get a frame more like this one (or a martian):

Amazon.com: Readytosky ZMR220-RX H210 H220 FPV Racing Drone Frame Carbon Fiber Quadcopter Frame gift( w/ props and battery strap): Toys & Games

Also, those are nice motors and ESCs but you could get some cheaper ones IMO If you want. For motors, See Racerstar on banggood or these: Amazon.com: DLFPV ® 4pcs DX2205 2300KV Brushless Motor for FPV Drone Racing Quadcopter 2CW 2CCW in Red: Toys & Games

Lots of ESC options, these are very good too 4X Racerstar RS30A V2 30A Blheli_S ESC OPTO 2-4S Support Oneshot42 Multishot 16.5 Dshot600 Sale - Banggood Mobile

Thank you, I'm gonna buy that ZMR frame it's looking awesome. I'm not going to buy other ESC's because the KISS F3, PDB and ESC fits and works nice together.
I will consider the motors, they look great.

You might want to find a similar frame with an hs1177 style camera mount. Search QAV-R to find clones of the lumenier frame.

I have actually now chosen the way more expensive Lumenier QAV210 CHARPU frame(75$), because it seems pretty high quality. Lumenier QAV210 CHARPU Mini FPV Racing Drone (frame only)
But then I probably don't need the KISS pdb, because it have one integrated.
Will the KISS Flight controller fit over the pdb? This is a 210 mm frame, so does the electronics fit in there?
Take a look at the new Lumenier Skitzo frame. Also, the Skitzo FC is amazing and can run raceflight one which is awesome. Any 5" frame should have 30.5x30.5 mounting for the PDB, FC, etc so just about any one will fit.
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