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Some gaps and orbits indoors!

Nice video! I wonder if you could answer a question for me: I'm really new at this and have only had time on Liftoff (the simulator). Did you have to change a setting on your quad to be able to fly that slowly and precisely? In that sim it seems to be so twitchy I can't imagine being able to do what you're doing in that video. I take the smallest, weakest quad in the sim too!
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Nice video! I wonder if you could answer a question for me: I'm really new at this and have only had time on Liftoff (the simulator). Did you have to change a setting on your quad to be able to fly that slowly and precisely? In that sim it seems to be so twitchy I can't imagine being able to do what you're doing in that video. I take the smallest, weakest quad in the sim too!
Thanks SwiftyMcSwift! I didn't change any settings (i don't think you can on this model). It boils down to practice and getting to know the rates on the sticks. I have tried a few sims but I can't find one that really matches the real thing. Don't get me wrong the sims are a good method of practice but once you get into it, it's better fly a real one.. start off with the basics; hover, yaw and land, Then progress from there. Hope this helps!

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