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Please Help, First Build. No response from Fly Sky FS-T6 in Betaflight when bound.


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Nov 5, 2019
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I am working on my first ever FPV build and have been stuck on getting my radio/RX to work over the past two days.

Parts I'm struggling with
FlySky FS-T6 radio with FS-R6B receiver
Wolfwhoop Betaflight OMNIBUS F4 Flight Controller

My problem is I have my receiver wired from the PPM/SBUS port on the flight controller. This goes into channel 6 on the receiver. I was able to get the FS-T6 bound to the receiver and the solid red light stays on. In Betaflight I have tried both PPM Rx and Serial Based receiver modes with SBUS. I've activated Serial RX on UART6 only. The aux channels are set up for VRB and VRA switches on the radio and I tried setting up an arm switch to one of these in betaflight.

When I goto the receiver tab in Betaflight I get no response from any stick movement, can't arm the drone, or do anything. Is there supposed to be more than just the one set of wires going to channel 6 on the receiver?

If anyone could help me out or point me to a resource that could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. I'm getting to the point where I'd even pay to have someone help me get this thing in the air, it has been a long time coming.
Hi @nowaknf, welcome to the forum!

I took a look to see what I could find on wiring that receiver, and I couldn't find anything helpful, but it is obvious that the FC isn't seeing the receiver. As near as I can tell you cannot wire the "iBus" pin to a "sBus" pad on the FC, sBus is an inverted protocol but iBus is not. Try connecting to any other free UART receive pad/pin on the FC may fix your issue. Don't forget that the entire UART must be free, not just the RX side.
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I've looked at the schematic for that board. Make sure the SBUS wire from the receiver is soldered to J7 ("S" terminal) on the FC (with 5v and ground wires respectfully). Also, make sure that the radio transmitter is in SBUS mode or it will not send the proper signals to the receiver even though it is bound to it. One more thing to check is flashing the firmware of the FC to the latest & greatest version. If that doesn't work, you can flash to previous versions. When I was using my old FlySky radio, it would only work up to certain version firmware of Betaflight or Cleanflight.

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