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Newbie asking for help on choosing equipment

From what little I can tell, that is WAY overpriced. The module is US$150 so for Euros it should be about 133. Amazon and that seller are ripping people, but it could be I just don't understand VAT and other possible taxes or import fees.

I have noticed that Amazon has been quite a bit more expensive than everyone else lately. I paid $159 for my module (not from Amazon). That was over half a year ago.
Guys hello again, I got a little Meteor 65 from BetaFPV and will start to fly it indoors first, so LOS obviously. I ordered a digidapter but there are shipping delays and customer service not very responsive. Anyway, in the meantime because I have the DJI goggles I wanted to order an analog module for the digidapter. I thought of rapidfire. Can you tell me if this is right for me:

It does seem a little expensive. Or is this what it should cost?
I suppose exchange rates have a bit to play in pricing for the rapidfire but that is pretty much over the top. In Australia they average about $250 but I recently bought a TBS Fusion with the updated hardware for $200 and they are pretty damned good. I have the adapter for my DJI goggles that sits on the side and they work fine. Like you, waiting for stock from BDI to get the job done.
Well, the Meteor65 was a failure. I bound it, configured the switches but the sticks were somehow completely reversed. Pitch was yaw, roll was thrust etc. So couldn't very well fly, crashed instantly a few times. Tried changing TAER in Betaflight Configurator, this didn't work, still jumbled channels just differently. Ditto for changing modes on the radio itself. So I decided to reset the quad to defaults in BC. This achieved the result of the quad not willing to bind with QX7 anymore. So I'm sending it back...

I'll try to get an Eachine this time. Maybe more luck with this one.

About the prices... I see. So it is a bit more expensive but ACTUALLy this is the piece I need right?
Ok, if it's normally $150 and I am paying like $200 that's fine, I can deal with that. Amazon has amazing customer service and I can deal with the markup. I was just worried that this is something completely different from what I needed. And if the module was gonna cost like $50 I didn't want to buy this this on Amazon for triple the price. But if it really does cost around that amount, then yeah, I'll deal with that.

Thank you guys again!
I suppose exchange rates have a bit to play in pricing for the rapidfire but that is pretty much over the top. In Australia they average about $250 but I recently bought a TBS Fusion with the updated hardware for $200 and they are pretty damned good. I have the adapter for my DJI goggles that sits on the side and they work fine. Like you, waiting for stock from BDI to get the job done.

Yeah, Europe can be pricey. We do have mostly free healthcare and education but this costs tax money unfortunately. BDI confirmed my digidapter will ship on 15 July. Their delivery dates if you buy now are for end of July though.
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I'm afraid that the issues where not with the Meteor, you should have reached out to us before doing anything drastic, 99% of the time when things don't work when someone is new to the hobby, it is usually things they are doing wrong.
Maybe you're right. But I looked around on the web, there were a million different reasons why it wouldn't bind or why the channels would be messed up. So I figured, hey these guys are helping me enough. I'm not gonna bother them this time especially that the answers might take a long time to figure out. It's Amazon so I'm covered, full refund. We'll see how it goes with the next one: Emax TinyHawk II 75mm BNF FrSky

And this time I'll try to ask some questions before I send it back ;)
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Actually you should have a plan on what you need to do to get it configured and working, and ask questions before you do ANYTHING you are not 100% sure of. Getting the channel mapping correct is one of the easiest things once you know what your doing. There is a lot to this hobby, that is true, but we have seen almost everything and can help, but if you act first and ask questions later it will only lead to another quad that isn't working.
Alright then, I appreciate the offer. Just to let you know: the radio channels were configured correctly, the radio works on LiftOff without a hitch, with correct stick assignments.
On Betaflight configurator, after I switched to FSky in modes (I think it was modes..?) the responses to stick movements were also correct, meaning when I pushed thrust on the QX7, the color bar corresponding to thrust was the one that moved in the quad configurator window. But then the quad, when disconnected from USB and armed, didn't react like that, it misunderstood the stick inputs. And after I reset it to default in BC it stopped binding altogether, whereas before that it only took it 3-4 seconds to bind. So I thought something is probably wrong, best start from scratch with a new one. Oh and then what happened was that each different stick movement turned only one of the props on, the weirdest thing. So I couldn't fly anymore at all.
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Actually you should have a plan on what you need to do to get it configured and working, and ask questions before you do ANYTHING you are not 100% sure of. Getting the channel mapping correct is one of the easiest things once you know what your doing. There is a lot to this hobby, that is true, but we have seen almost everything and can help, but if you act first and ask questions later it will only lead to another quad that isn't working.

So I got a new whoop... Tinyhawk this time. Only it will not bind with the QX7 (LBT version, ACCST).

There are apparently two ways this can go. One is follow the instructions from the store website:

They are complete gibberish to me, I admit....

Or perhaps follow this video to flash my Taranis.

I would have done the latter but I remember you guys saying ACCST should support D8 out of the box. I can't select D8 in the menus though.
I have to say I am starting to think it really is more about overcoming pre-flight problems (95%) and a little bit about flying (5%)...

Any advice?
Durned EU/LBT!!! I would say that you will need to backup and re-flash the radio as described in the video, the only thing that concerns me is that he doesn't actually show that D8 is now available in the radio when he is done, but hopefully you find it there when complete. I'm sorry this happened but being in the US I have never had to work with an EU/LBT radio before so I didn't know until now that D8 wa disabled by default in EU radios. The video is pretty straight forward and the only thing that I was surprised by was that the radio was turned off to flash it, I have always done mine in bootloader mode (2 trims held inward while powering on) but perhaps that is another difference between FCC and EU/LBT. Please let us know if you run into any questions and hopefully we can help.

One other possibility is to try the binding procedure in the first link, it makes complete sense to me, so if I can help you just PM me and we will figure out a way to have a look together using Facebook Messenger or something.
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