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Motors acting strange


Jun 22, 2016
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My first quadcopter, and first time soldering so I'm sure its the connections. I intend to double check all the soldered cables tonight when I get home, but I wanted to see if there was anything else I should check.

When I go to test my motors in LibrePilot or with the remote, 2 of my motors don't really spin, they kind of twist back and forth, I didn't leave it on for very long for fear of harming the motor, but I can't think of anything else that may have cause it.

I have already discovered my soldering skills aren't very good yet as I had to re-solder the battery cable connections on both ends and initially I soldered the battery plug on backwards. . . So I'm pretty sure thats the issue, has anyone else had a similar problem?
My first quadcopter, and first time soldering so I'm sure its the connections. I intend to double check all the soldered cables tonight when I get home, but I wanted to see if there was anything else I should check.

When I go to test my motors in LibrePilot or with the remote, 2 of my motors don't really spin, they kind of twist back and forth, I didn't leave it on for very long for fear of harming the motor, but I can't think of anything else that may have cause it.

I have already discovered my soldering skills aren't very good yet as I had to re-solder the battery cable connections on both ends and initially I soldered the battery plug on backwards. . . So I'm pretty sure thats the issue, has anyone else had a similar problem?
Make sure your wires for motors are properly soldered and a good bind with each other. sounds like your on the right track , bad solder connections.
That was indeed the issue, I re soldered the motor connections and it tan fine.

Maiden flight lasted about 4 seconds, basically I brought the throttle up and went to far and the quad lifted up to about 12 feet. I was just trying to get it to hover a little off the ground and so I panicked when it went that high, so I panicked a bit and stupidly killed the throttle. So of course it dropped like a rock, I tried to give it some throttle to try and catch it before it hit the ground but it was too little too late.

Now I'm waiting for more props, hopefully they arrive today as scheduled.
My first quadcopter, and first time soldering so I'm sure its the connections. I intend to double check all the soldered cables tonight when I get home, but I wanted to see if there was anything else I should check.

When I go to test my motors in LibrePilot or with the remote, 2 of my motors don't really spin, they kind of twist back and forth, I didn't leave it on for very long for fear of harming the motor, but I can't think of anything else that may have cause it.

I have already discovered my soldering skills aren't very good yet as I had to re-solder the battery cable connections on both ends and initially I soldered the battery plug on backwards. . . So I'm pretty sure thats the issue, has anyone else had a similar problem?
Its you esc board is bad replace or check and make sure wires are on right
Its you esc board is bad replace or check and make sure wires are on right
mine did the same thing i just replaced my motors first and it didnt work then my esc board and it worked
It was the connections from the esc to the motor really, I didn't do a very good job soldering the first time. But I re soldered them and it was running fine today, I went flying for a while after work. It's a lot different than the simulator, but I'm getting the hang of it.
My first quadcopter, and first time soldering so I'm sure its the connections. I intend to double check all the soldered cables tonight when I get home, but I wanted to see if there was anything else I should check.

When I go to test my motors in LibrePilot or with the remote, 2 of my motors don't really spin, they kind of twist back and forth, I didn't leave it on for very long for fear of harming the motor, but I can't think of anything else that may have cause it.

I have already discovered my soldering skills aren't very good yet as I had to re-solder the battery cable connections on both ends and initially I soldered the battery plug on backwards. . . So I'm pretty sure thats the issue, has anyone else had a similar problem?
Hi, have had similar issues due to motors not in syc, had to calibrate the motors.
Lol I wish I would have had this site when I started... Yes racers as with everything in drone racing it will make you learn your shortcomings no matter how much you avoid them. Cameras voltage extra everything. Prop nuts and the computer programming phew. Make all connections clean and shiny and pre flight inspection will solve or catch a lot of disasters. Also be careful mounting your motors if you bind a long screw in your copper motor it's all over as well. Build crash repeat. Enjoy
Learned a lesson yesterday always check props your not familiar with 50 mph in a hard left yaw and three of the four came apart at the hub. Now 50 mph across the sky with no control into a soybean field which is waist high rite now. Rain on the way in 10 mins. So yea check for weak spots in your props always and install a beeper. I found it phew
I re soldered all the signal connections, that seems to have helped. I bought some props online, accidentally got 6" props when I wanted 8" but it does take off, I'm somewhat glad I got the 6" as it let me practice a bit more with how the controls all work etc. However I noticed another strange thing today. It may just be the 6" props as I said its a f450 clone so its pretty big for such small props, I think my motors are 940kv as well.

Everything works great, although I do lose altitude rather easily when adjusting the yaw and roll, I'm pretty sure that's mostly the smaller props. However my yaw in particular is acting weird. When I yaw left I have no problem, it spins perfectly, other than losing some altitude. When I yaw right it leans more almost like a roll and doesn't really spin at all, sometimes if I stop and try again I can get it to go, but most of the time it leans toward my back right motor and drops steadily.

Anyone ever see that? Think I could still have a bad solder joint?

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