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KingDowin won't bind or unlock motors.


Mar 23, 2020
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Hello pilots, sorry guy's I post this thread in the wrong place. I just joined the forum and brought a problem with me. I have a KDW280. KingDowin 280.Powerful Drone weight 590g. been flying it for two weeks., 20 flights. Was flying great with good video. Then it stop binding. Or maybe I should say the motors want unlock. By the manual, turn on radio, turn on drone, . move SWA switch to #1and the motors should 20200303_160718[1054].jpg20200303_160752[1053].jpgarm. All lights under each motor blink for elevator and aileron stick. But no throttle. For some reason it is not binding or unlocking the motors.
That's an odd beast, never seen one of those. I assume it runs on proprietary software? What does it do when you interface it with your computer?
It's not proprietary, Never interfaced it with my computer. Bear with me now. I've never interfaced anything rc with my computer. so how do I and what will it tell me.
I am a quick learner, when I interface it what am I looking for. All info would be much appreciated. 20200325_232840 (3).jpgthumbnail.jpg
Wow, interesting. There are a few open source flight programs we use, the most popular is probably Betaflight. If you've never hooked that up to a computer to set it up, then it's likely on a proprietary software that none of us will be familiar with. I would tell you to look for a small USB mini port somewhere on the drone, but if you don't know what it runs on, or don't have that program on your PC then it doesn't much matter.

What I'd be looking for is stick inputs, and without an interface I'm not really sure how I would troubleshoot it. I'd start by making sure the radio still has connection to the drone, and I'd go from there.

One thing that just came to mind was level. Most drones have to be very close to level to arm. If the gyro is off, or the drone isn't sitting flat, it wont spin up.

It didn't come with any software at all huh? you just charge the batteries and fly it?
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Okay, cleanflight I know of :)
Free download of a chrome extension:

That should at least interface and show us some stick inputs (as well as FC info)

@HighTechPauper Are Cleanflight and Betaflight interchangeable?
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@HighTechPauper Are Cleanflight and Betaflight interchangeable?

Cleanflight was a "fork" in the original Baseflight code, and then Betaflight was a fork off Cleanflight. They are interchangeable but Cleanflight isn't being developed anymore so Betaflight has surpassed it. I would reflash with Betaflight and look for a 3.5.7 rev to start, too much complexity in rev 4+ to start there.
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@Oldspool, give us a few pictures of the sides, you are looking for a micro, or possibly mini, USB connector of the flight controller board.
That looks like your guy there, it should be a micro usb and should be how you talk to the flight controller. This can be a tricky area if you don't know what you are doing, so have a reasonable understanding of what you are going for before doing anything or you could break it. If you are not 99% sure, shoot me a PM and I can try to help remotely.

Thank you so much for the information rtkDarling, and HighTechPauper. Looks like I will be downloading Betaflight so that you guys can help me more. Don't mind paying for the download, I'm just a little cautious about using my card on a unfamiliar sight.
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Thank you so much for the information rtkDarling, and HighTechPauper. Looks like I will be downloading Betaflight so that you guys can help me more. Don't mind paying for the download, I'm just a little cautious about using my card on a unfamiliar sight.
DO NOT PAY FOR ANYTHING!!! This stuff is free, and any site that is trying to get money from you is bogus!!!
You will want to get the latest Cleanflight configurator to see if you can figure out what is going on, if you get things sorted, then you can decide to reflash with Betaflight, but you will want to move slowly and surely here so you don't have regrets.

Only get things from one of 3 places, GitHub, the actual developer (like Cleanflight.com or Betaflight.com) and for the QX7 only get things from OpenTX University or Org.

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