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I think I need a new FC...opinions


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2017
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short version: testing with one motor I can spin it when connected to motor 3 and 4..but not 1 and 2.

I am guessing that's your Arris stuff. If you wired up your ESC's yourself, two of them should attach to the motors with the wires laid out exactly inline with each other. On The other two, one wire should be criss-crossed. I hope you can see what I'm talking about in these photos.



Your logic makes sense. Although motor three should be CCW and motor four should be CW, and it spun up on both of them (going CW). The FC isn't smart enough to know which way the motor is spinning, since it just sends it juice to tell it to run. Thats why in theory you can change the motor spin direction in the flashing of the ESC.

So looks like the FC is dead. After more testing last night on the FC with motor 3 and 4 working, I started noticing erratic behavior from even motor 3 and 4. After a little time, the LED on the FC went dead and doesn't seem to come back. Tried seeing if I can flash it in Cleanflight and it's not responding. So I suspect the original crash with the Arris caused the FC to malfunction in some way and it didn't get better.

Ordered a SP Racing F3 Evo to replace it. Should be arriving this week. So looks like the only original parts from the ARRIS are the camera and transmitter.

But overall, I look at the ARRIS 250 as a good learning experience.

The firmware on the ESC's determines which direction the motor spins. The ESC firmware is accessed through BLHeli configurator or passthrough. For whatever reason Arris wired the motors as I indicated and BLHeli is set with all motors in the "normal" direction, none in "reversed".

I'm not sure that it matters, that's the way Arris did it so that's the way I did it. I'm just throwing out suggestions that may help you isolate your issue.


The firmware on the ESC's determines which direction the motor spins. The ESC firmware is accessed through BLHeli configurator or passthrough. For whatever reason Arris wired the motors as I indicated and BLHeli is set with all motors in the "normal" direction, none in "reversed".

I'm not sure that it matters, that's the way Arris did it so that's the way I did it. I'm just throwing out suggestions that may help you isolate your issue.


Yeah I did see it one the motors that two of them are crossed. Seems like most motors you have to do it.

I got some hobby mate 2204 motors coming in today with 15a ESC. It's going to be what I'll use for the first build once the new FC arrives. Eventually the Racestar Motor will arrive from China so I'll upgrade to that. Also ordered a 4 in 1 30a ESC from there as well...so will update the ESC as well.

Learning a lot so far. Hopefully I"ll be up and flying soon.

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