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Hi! I`m new here! Need help (Mac)!


Jul 1, 2018
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Hey guys! My name is Jin, I`m here from Hiroshima, Japan.
I recently bought a Eachine Wizard x220 ARF, and am having a multiple of issues....escpecially with software and driver problems. I own a 2011 Macbook Air (HighSierra) and have a FLY SKY FS-i6 transmitter.


1. I wanted to practice how to fly with a simulator before actually going out, so I downloaded fpv freerider on my mac, and tried to plug in the transmitter to play. I made sure to buy simulator cables...
but my mac doesn`t seem to recognize my transmitter at all. I`ve seen youtube videos of ppl just plugging in and playing on the simulator, but my mac doesn`t seem to recognize it all. I`ve tried student mode on my transmitter and also downloaded velocidrone, but my mac still doesnt recognize the transmitter!

2. I`ve been trying to flash the updated betaflight, but my mac doesn`t seem to even recognize the FC. I`ve tried pluggin it in multiple times, using different cables, downloaded CP210X, manually putting it in bootloader mode, but my mac doesnt recognize the FC at all. The FC has a solid blue light when i plug it so there is current going through to the FC, but the mac driver not recognizing it. I`ve looked into downloading Zadig, but realized I can`t because they don`t have a compatible software with the mac.

3. I`m a complete noob here, so please understand.
I thought that if I plug in everything even without updating the betaflight/cleanflight, the drone should respond and fly right? well, my VTX is working and my receiver is binded, but the drone motors don`t even budge even if i put a command. Ive changed channed 5/6 on my flysky to swc, and swd buttons as my arm/disarm buttons, and I think the transmitter should be disarmed when i try to fly it.

All in all, i bought everything but can`t fly it.....or even try the simulator!

Thanks for reading and stopping by at this post! I really appreciate your help!
It`s super hard to find information about FPV flying in Japan! I really appreciate that there is an online community like this!
Hi Jin and welcome to the forum. You will need to set up in Betaflight/Cleaflight first. As for the sims, I have the same tx and have tried multiple things and cables and cannot connect.
This video should help you. It’s a bit long but very helpful.
Hi Jin and welcome to the forum. You will need to set up in Betaflight/Cleaflight first. As for the sims, I have the same tx and have tried multiple things and cables and cannot connect.
This video should help you. It’s a bit long but very helpful.
Thanks a bunch, will try it out!
After almost giving up on the software I managed to flash bootloader onto the FC. The problem was the usb wire, I used 4 different cables and the last one seemed to finally connect.

Now I have a different problem, where I can bind my FS IA6 receiver but betaflight shows no stick movement. I`ve read other forums that say the FS IA6 receiver isn`t compatible with the Wizard x220, but I`ve seen people on youtube using this receiver.

I`m not sure if I should buy another new receiver (FS IA6B) or if its just another problem I haven`t found the solution too.
update! I bought a FSIAB receiver and the drone works fine now! Still trying to figure out how to connect my transmitter to the computer!
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There is a huge learning curve in this hobby and it takes a bit to absorb it all. Congrats on your success
update! I bought a FSIAB receiver and the drone works fine now! Still trying to figure out how to connect my transmitter to the computer!

I have a Mac (2011 MacBook Pro running El Capitan) and I have made Freerider work with my Walkera TX (Devo 7) and my two day old Taranis QX. You have probably tried the following, but, in case you haven't:

Turn on your TX, then plug the cables in, THEN turn on Freerider. If Freerider is running before you connect it it won't work.

If you have a USB adapter with a switch on the side for 4 modes, try all switch settings one at a time (again, using the TX, cable then Freerider order.) Shut down Freerider and disconnect the TX each time you try this.

Try another cable. My Taranis didn't like the first one I used, but picked up the second one.

Good Luck!

Peter T.
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