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Help Walkera f210


Mar 9, 2016
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Just flew 2 times no crashes next day right red light flashes and beeps only battery is charged
Just flew 2 times no crashes next day right red light flashes and beeps only battery is charged
Is Battery fully charged? Is Transmitter on first?
Spent 4 hours on trying to figure out how to update firmware. Finally got it to work , there seems to be so little info out there. Not to sure why it did not work in the first place. The cleanflight program you download from there site is in Chinese. Steep learning curve or I'm just stupid. Thanks
FYI Had troubles arming motors after slight crash. Sounds like a common problem with the 210. You need to turn trim to the left on the throttle side to fix this problem. So far 1 brick wall, falling from 200 ft. onto a garage roof and a dip in my pound and it's still going with minimal damage. One day I will learn how to flip it properly, and before anyone responds yes I'm an idiot.
Don't condemn yourself. You are not anything but a learning pilot! Keep at it and burn through some packs... you can't but help to get better. Soon you will do it all very "naturally".
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I'm also have problems with arming motors. How far to the left on the throttle trim is necessary ? Or how many clicks left should I click?
Most likely a PID problem. You can try to "trim" in opposite direction of the way it drifts, but it is better to use the software to correct it in the PID's.
Where could the software be found ? And what the name of software? And how can I upload it to walkera f210 ? Is it thur the Devo7 transmitter or thur the f3 flight controller ?
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I'm also have problems with arming motors. How far to the left on the throttle trim is necessary ? Or how many clicks left should I click?
I would be willing to bet if you trim your rudder to the left your arming troubles will go away. If you over trim to much it will probably not want to shut off. You will have to play with it a little .
Where could the software be found ? And what the name of software? And how can I upload it to walkera f210 ? Is it thur the Devo7 transmitter or thur the f3 flight controller ?[/QUOt
What software? Clean flight is wrer
Where could the software be found ? And what the name of software? And how can I upload it to walkera f210 ? Is it thur the Devo7 transmitter or thur the f3 flight controller ?
What software? Clean flight? If so you need to download google chrome than get cleanflight app launcher, before messing with anything in clean flight be sure to back up your original settings. Try rudd trim 1st it will be much easier. Try video search for( google chrome cleanflight)
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Thanks fellas for the heLP/ advice. sorry about the retard questions im a newbie to the hobby. I applied the advice give from you two pilots hebrew12v2 and szon3 your knowledge got my quad right were it need to be... IN THE SKY! Thank you both for that. In the future I want to apologize now for any dumb questions that i may ask . it took me two whole long week before I flew across this site and was able to get the f210 back up and running . you both save me from another agonizing week of not be able to fly. Thank you thank you thank you can't express that enough. How did you obtain your knowledge quadcopters? I would be beyond blessed to have your knowledge and only can't imagine the skills you possess
Awesome Saucy. The Motto is "Build, Fly, Crash, Repair, Repeat"! I am constantly in each of these phases with 5 drones now... lol.
Yea in getting real familiar with the motto as I get deeper into our hobby lol. I got a problem with my f3 controller port on my P.D.B. the black harness that holds the flex in to position I applied to much pressure and now its garbage. Lol would I have to buy a whole new P.D.B. ? Or maybe is their some sort of solution to this headache of mine?


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Yea in getting real familiar with the motto as I get deeper into our hobby lol. I got a problem with my f3 controller port on my P.D.B. the black harness that holds the flex in to position I applied to much pressure and now its garbage. Lol would I have to buy a whole new P.D.B. ? Or maybe is their some sort of solution to this headache of mine?
Looks like garbage to me. If the connection cannot be secured properly I would not take the chance.
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Hi. I'm having a few issues with my F210 3D and the DEVO 7 controller as well.
I'm new at the quad copter hobby and purchased a Walkera F210 3D in April of this year. Been flying alot but during last flight I accidentally pulled the antenna off the stock DEVO 7 controller(antenna wire disconnected along with it). Was able to open the controller and re-attach the wire to the connector. Anyway, during last flight the F210 beeps loud and then drops out of the sky when it's apprx. 200 yards away -NOT VERY FAR. Full battery charge on both controller & battery. This happened 3 times!
Opened the Devo 7 controller to see if it disconnected and all is connected still. Anyone ever experience this and have any remedies?
Deciding on buying a new controller, preferably the Devo F7 since I'm flying Line of Sight right now. I'm curious, will I still be able to use the stock receiver, installed/programmed in F210 to the stock DEVO 7 controller or will I need to purchase a new receiver to install in my F210 3D so i can receive from theDEVO F7 controller? Again newbie so this may sound like a stupid question.
Stupid question but are you sure your not accidentally pulling the throttle stick down and to the right and disarming it. I did that the other day oops.Or Possible bad cell on battery. If you set up fail safe and lost the signal for a few seconds you would get the copter to be non responsive than quit after about 10-20sec. I set my fail safe for about 29 % throttle so it hopefully limits damage. That's about the extent of my knowledge. Now I have to go and rest my brain.
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when you reattached your antenna did you make sure it was connected in all the right places? sounds to me like transmitter problem, but the failsafe should kick in..

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