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Help! Taycan Cinewhoop Flip and Burn


Active Member
May 7, 2020
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Newbie here. On 2nd test flight in my yard I managed to flip the drone upside down and I guess the motors got stuck in the grass. The thing flamed in about 2 seconds. I am assuming the current draw just went through the roof.

On inspection the DJI air unit looks ok (but who knows), the flight controller boots in betaflight and seems to be responding. But the motor controller is obviously flamed. The capacitor and power leads unsoldered themselves as well as some of the motor wires.

Question is what to do now. No idea of how to check the motors, the air unit or what. My gut says just buy a new stack and rewire but if it ends up being the motors and the stack I wouldn't be against just buying another minus the air unit and use this one for parts.

Most likely it was just the esc that blew, especially if the fc boots up. I would just replace the esc since you know for sure that's goofed up. You need it to check everything else for the most part
Thanks for your reply and advice. A step by step approach seems reasonable assuming the motors aren't shot. I ordered the esc and will proceed from there.
Updates!! Short story is that the Taycan is fixed. Had my 1st flight today and it flew like a dream. The harder part was waiting for the parts from China. Long story... Flight controller was ok, ESC was shot and Motor 3 was toast. I ordered a replacement ESC and FC stack directly from Diatone and it basically took so long (7 weeks!) that I ended up replacing the whole stack with a NewBeeDrone Infinity 200. Reason being was the direct connect of the DJI air unit. The fix only took me a few hours. Happy Camper.

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