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Hello from NC! Looking to try FPV...


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
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Greetings Pilots!

Well I have decided to give FPV a real shot other than tiny whoops and my DJI Spark(s). I wanted to do this a few years ago but when I bought the Spark I put the notion of FPV on the shelf. After watching quite a few cinematic FPV videos, I have a renewed interest in the sport/hobby. I want to build my own mini quad from scratch to get a better understanding of how they work and to be able to maintain or repair it on my own. I will leave the rest of this to a new thread so I can ask questions.
Good to be here and I look forward to meeting a lot of new friends here. Later...
Welcome to the forum @graywoulf :)

I look forward to your FPV thread because I'm toying with the exact same idea.
Welcome to the forum @graywoulf :) I look forward to your FPV thread because I'm toying with the exact same idea.

Greetings BigA107,

That is quite a resume you have there! After reading all of that, I'm surprised that you are not already flying FPV in all areas. I used to claim Western NC home as I lived in north Haywood County. Had to leave there a few years ago and I miss the Great Smokies real bad. Yeah, I am just getting into this and I am learning a lot by watching Joshua Bardwell on YouTube. So much to learn but I have a good bit of tech experience so this should be a lot of fun. So, keep watching, I'll be around. ;)
Greetings BigA107,

That is quite a resume you have there! After reading all of that, I'm surprised that you are not already flying FPV in all areas. I used to claim Western NC home as I lived in north Haywood County. Had to leave there a few years ago and I miss the Great Smokies real bad. Yeah, I am just getting into this and I am learning a lot by watching Joshua Bardwell on YouTube. So much to learn but I have a good bit of tech experience so this should be a lot of fun. So, keep watching, I'll be around. ;)

Thank you.

I have actually intentionally avoided FPV because I know when I do something I tend to go ALL-IN lol.

I live in Haywood County (born and bred here). What part of HC are you from? Clyde here :)
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Thank you. I have actually intentionally avoided FPV because I know when I do something I tend to go ALL-IN lol.
I live in Haywood County (born and bred here). What part of HC are you from? Clyde here :)

I am originally from Charlotte. My wife and I moved to Haywood County in 1998 as she was hired by the former Associated Packaging Co. in Waynesville. We lived in Maggie Valley for four years before buying property in Fines Creek at the end of Max Patch Rd..
We lived there until my wife inherited property in Wilkes County where we live now.

We still own the property in Fines Creek but want to sell it. I really miss the peace and quiet there but I can't say that I miss the snow so much anymore. :) I do miss the cooler weather though in the summer. Waynesville is growing fast. I was in the sign business there. Worked for High Country Signs and the defunct Sign World WNC in Canton. I'm retired now but miss working in that business. I do miss Haywood County though and BTW, Haywood is my last name. ;) :D My wife and I were the only Haywoods living there while we were there. Take care.
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Wow it's a small world.

I live in Clyde, grew up (mostly) in Canton, and currently work from Downtown Waynesville. I am in Fines Creek very often so I know the area pretty well. It's funny that Clyde is one of the smallest "towns" in the state but Clyde "Common" is one of the largest in the state LOL. When someone says, "Oh we live in Clyde" it means they could live from one end of the county to the other LOL!

Good hearing from you and give me a shout next time you're "in the neighborhood".
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Greetings Pilots!

Well I have decided to give FPV a real shot other than tiny whoops and my DJI Spark(s). I wanted to do this a few years ago but when I bought the Spark I put the notion of FPV on the shelf. After watching quite a few cinematic FPV videos, I have a renewed interest in the sport/hobby. I want to build my own mini quad from scratch to get a better understanding of how they work and to be able to maintain or repair it on my own. I will leave the rest of this to a new thread so I can ask questions.
Good to be here and I look forward to meeting a lot of new friends here. Later...
Hello !
Where in NC are you located, I am in the Conway/Aynor area of SC
HI Danny!
I am in Wilkes County. Millers Creek to be exact. About 45 minutes from Boone.
Greetings everyone
From Santa Cruz Ca. 100% Noobie FPV-er Just getting into flying. Started with tinyhawk Freestyle and fell in love with it. Just received the Geprc CinePro 4k got in to bind to the XlitePro but motors won't spin. it shows in BF throttle is moving and it's bound, but nothing, and so I've learned this is FPV!! you will always come across something that you will have to figure out by researching, googling, and youtube videos and pulling your hair out! but Patience is a virtue the problem will be solved. just wanted to say hello to everyone
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Hello airBent2 and welcome to the forum. Well, you have a headstart on me as far as flying a good FPV quad. The Tinyhawk looks to be a fine and fun quad I considered buying one but I wanted something bigger that could carry a flight cam.

I wish I could help you with your problem but I haven't a clue. Try posting a question about it in the General forum. I'm sure that someone could help you out.

Good luck and happy flying! ;) ?
Hello airBent2 and welcome to the forum. Well, you have a headstart on me as far as flying a good FPV quad. The Tinyhawk looks to be a fine and fun quad I considered buying one but I wanted something bigger that could carry a flight cam.

I wish I could help you with your problem but I haven't a clue. Try posting a question about it in the General forum. I'm sure that someone could help you out.

Good luck and happy flying! ;) ?
Thanks GrayWoulf I will do that. I'm new to the forum I'll navigate and find the right place to post :)
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Hello airBent2 and welcome to the forum. Well, you have a headstart on me as far as flying a good FPV quad. The Tinyhawk looks to be a fine and fun quad I considered buying one but I wanted something bigger that could carry a flight cam.

I wish I could help you with your problem but I haven't a clue. Try posting a question about it in the General forum. I'm sure that someone could help you out.

Good luck and happy flying! ;) ?

How's it going down there @graywoulf ? Still flying FPV?

The weather up here in the mountains (well other than the rain right now) is getting AMAZING! Might be time for a Mountain Getaway LOL!!
How's it going down there @graywoulf ? Still flying FPV?
The weather up here in the mountains (well other than the rain right now) is getting AMAZING! Might be time for a Mountain Getaway LOL!!

Hey there! Things are going fine down here in the foothills. Lots of rain lately that is keeping me indoors but yeah, I am flying FPV more and more. I have recently purchased a FPV wing as well. It is the AR 900 and it is under construction. It will have GPS and Crossfire for long range flying. I am even building "foamie" planes again for fun and have one that I am going to mount some FPV gear on soon.

I have now five quads that I fly. Ranging from the Tinyhawk II to my two 5" quads and two 3" cinewhoops.

I have been thinking about getting up there for some fall flying for sure. How about giving me some leaf looking reports when you can?

Take care, stay safe and fly on! ? :D And here is one of my 5" quads in action.

Outstanding!! You've really gotten into it BIG time now.

Speaking of FPV wing... have you watched any of this guy's stuff?

Here is one of his latest videos on his ultra lightweight FPV wing:

I'll def try to remember to update you on the Fall Foliage situation. I've not even seen any predictions yet but they should start coming out any day now.
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Yes, I have progressed quite far in a very short period of time. And yes, I have seen his videos including that one. I have subbed his channel for sure and that last video was absolutely amazing to see. I will be doing something very similar soon I hope. His wing was just a good example of what Dollar Tree foam board can be transformed into.

I have other FPV videos on one of my other channels that I am going to move to this new one "Old Guy FPV". If you are interested, I will let you know when they have been moved.
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