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emax hawk5


Feb 19, 2019
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hi guys
i dont have recording on my fatsharks, can i add a video recorder to anemax hawk 5?
There are a couple of options other than the fat shark option which always turned out crap for me. You can try a camera/dvr (Runcam) to retrofit the camera on the hawk 5 or go with one of the GoPro hero/session stand-alone, buy a cover and sled mount and away you go. I have an older GoPro 2 without any remote options and it works a treat.
There are a couple of options other than the fat shark option which always turned out crap for me. You can try a camera/dvr (Runcam) to retrofit the camera on the hawk 5 or go with one of the GoPro hero/session stand-alone, buy a cover and sled mount and away you go. I have an older GoPro 2 without any remote options and it works a treat.
I'll take a look at the runcam option.
I've only just ordered the emax so it's not urgent but would like the option.
This is probably already going to be a learning curve going from indoor inductrix fpv.
Thanks for your reply tevek
I'll take a look at the runcam option.
I've only just ordered the emax so it's not urgent but would like the option.
This is probably already going to be a learning curve going from indoor inductrix fpv.
Thanks for your reply tevek
Good luck with the hawk 5, it really was a vast improvement over my brace of wizards and a lot more fun/grunt. I was a bit worried with the impact of the COG with the free GoPro but not an issue at all for my type of flying. Take it easy out there, I bought a taranis q7s controller and have it set up to give me extra confidence when I unleash the kwad in the open.
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Good luck with the hawk 5, it really was a vast improvement over my brace of wizards and a lot more fun/grunt. I was a bit worried with the impact of the COG with the free GoPro but not an issue at all for my type of flying. Take it easy out there, I bought a taranis q7s controller and have it set up to give me extra confidence when I unleash the kwad in the open.
Thanks tevek
I already have a taranis x-lite
I've been flying all sorts for 50yrs and got into quads for photography and been flying mavic pro for two years.
The move into racing is recent with indoor inductrix and fatsharks for 6 months. I still love toys at 67
Thanks tevek
I already have a taranis x-lite
I've been flying all sorts for 50yrs and got into quads for photography and been flying mavic pro for two years.
The move into racing is recent with indoor inductrix and fatsharks for 6 months. I still love toys at 67
Love hearing from people who have been flying long before it became fashionable. I took up racing drones due to being bored flying virtually autonomous dji stuff but managed to crash and burn anything that I successfully launched from outside prior to that. So much to learn and enjoy as you probably already know. Enjoy!
Up and running, quick hover in the garden.
Forecasted rain Sunday so waiting for a proper test flight.
I love the taranis xlite, stubby pagoda on order.3095
I'll take a look at the runcam option.
I've only just ordered the emax so it's not urgent but would like the option.
This is probably already going to be a learning curve going from indoor inductrix fpv.
Thanks for your reply tevek
i fitted an HMDVR from ebay and stubby pagoda
now need some flying weather3120
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Hey Guys, I've been flying my Emax Hawk 5 as my first outdoor quad. I also have the Taranis X-lite. I started off with Liftoff simulator, followed by two BetaFPV 75x (which fly really well inside at 2s if you scale down the throttle using rate profiles (see youtube vids by Joshua Bardwell and curry kitty. . .curry kitten?)). Anyway, loads of fun with the Hawk 5. Have had a few crashs. She usually does fine, but one recent impact damaged the video card. So, $22 and 2 days later I got a replacement VTX (from Raceday quads) and got it soldered on. Here's my question (and maybe I need to start a new thread). . .the new VTX is working seemingly normal, but out of four batteries of flight the other day, I suffered two instances of instantaneous and complete loss of video transmission. Not fuzzy, not snowy. . .it went from clear to straight static as though the VTX completely lost power. I crashed both times. The first time, I was up a ways and the video actually recovered just before impact, but it was too late. The second time, I lost vid, it crashed and then I got vid back, so on those two occasions, I seem to be suffering complete loss but for only a few seconds. Any suggestions for troubleshooting this?
Hey Guys, I've been flying my Emax Hawk 5 as my first outdoor quad. I also have the Taranis X-lite. I started off with Liftoff simulator, followed by two BetaFPV 75x (which fly really well inside at 2s if you scale down the throttle using rate profiles (see youtube vids by Joshua Bardwell and curry kitty. . .curry kitten?)). Anyway, loads of fun with the Hawk 5. Have had a few crashs. She usually does fine, but one recent impact damaged the video card. So, $22 and 2 days later I got a replacement VTX (from Raceday quads) and got it soldered on. Here's my question (and maybe I need to start a new thread). . .the new VTX is working seemingly normal, but out of four batteries of flight the other day, I suffered two instances of instantaneous and complete loss of video transmission. Not fuzzy, not snowy. . .it went from clear to straight static as though the VTX completely lost power. I crashed both times. The first time, I was up a ways and the video actually recovered just before impact, but it was too late. The second time, I lost vid, it crashed and then I got vid back, so on those two occasions, I seem to be suffering complete loss but for only a few seconds. Any suggestions for troubleshooting this?
As last luck would have it, or otherwise, I changed out my vtx yesterday and apart from it being a pig of a job with having to trim the connection posts to get it off/on, found that I had the same problem as you with reception. Turned out to be the antenna ufl not seating exactly right and the slightest knock would drop the video in and out. In the end I used a pile of liquid electrical tape to hold it in place and it was good to go. If it happens again, I’ll junk the standard vtx and upgrade it to one with a MMCX connector and be done with it.
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tevek, I'm selfishly glad to hear you had a challenging time changing out that VTX. It was insanely difficult to get the original one off of there and I, too, had to trim the pins to finally make it happen. Excellent observation on the ufl not being well-seated. I actually DID tack it down to the new card with a generous dollop of liquid electrical tape, but it's entirely possible that I torqued it when putting the top back on a dislodged it. I'll re-seat it tonight and try to fly again.
Emax Hawk 5 question (which doesn't merit a new thread): Anyone fly with a GoPro on top? I've got a TPU Session mount zip-tied to the top. The issue that I'm having is being able to see the LCD readout on the top of the VTX with the mount in place. I'll hold the button for 5 sec, then try to see if the tiny dot came on next to the number, indicating that I am at 200 rather than 20. It's incredibly difficult to see if you can't peek through the top cutout, which my GoPro mount covers. Anyone have a workaround? I could take the top off, then "set it and forget it" but I like the ability to switch back and forth and removing the mount each time is, well, a pain.
Emax Hawk 5 question (which doesn't merit a new thread): Anyone fly with a GoPro on top? I've got a TPU Session mount zip-tied to the top. The issue that I'm having is being able to see the LCD readout on the top of the VTX with the mount in place. I'll hold the button for 5 sec, then try to see if the tiny dot came on next to the number, indicating that I am at 200 rather than 20. It's incredibly difficult to see if you can't peek through the top cutout, which my GoPro mount covers. Anyone have a workaround? I could take the top off, then "set it and forget it" but I like the ability to switch back and forth and removing the mount each time is, well, a pain.
I’ve got an older type GoPro which I’ve mounted with a strap, a bit fiddly but it works fine. By the way, I crashed soon after the photo was taken and guess what, tore the antenna off and so I’m back into the ufl connection...

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