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Eachine Wizard x220 throttle and pitch now working


Aug 2, 2020
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Hey guys! I bought an Eachine wizard x220 with a Flysky FS-i6 but I am not able to start the motors, I set up the fs-i6 using a few tutorials, I am sure it's right, the motors work, tested in beta flight.
Watch the video to understand what I am talking about.

You need to configure the switches for some of the Aux's so that you can set the arming switch in the Modes tab. Got a pic of the Modes tab and a vid of the switch changing the Aux in Receiver to know if the Modes tab is configured correctly?
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You need to configure the switches for some of the Aux's so that you can set the arming switch in the Modes tab. Got a pic of the Modes tab and a vid of the switch changing the Aux in Receiver to know if the Modes tab is configured correctly?
Here you go!
No way is it that you are too dumb, stop it! LOL

That looks correct but no yellow or red on the arm function when you switched it, can you see what the right side of the Setup tab says for Arming Disable Flags?
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CPU Clock=72MHz, GYRO=MPU6050, ACC=MPU6050.n
Cycle Time: 500, I2C Errors: 0, config size: 1512

This is what the CLI gives me
That doesn't look complete, should have more info like this for instance.

Or the Setup tab right side like this.

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Nevermind I see it at the top left of the BFC pic, that is ANCIENT BF and has been know to have many issues. If you know what is configured in your quad you should flash the FC to 3.5.7 and reconfigure by hand and test again. You may need to load an older BFC to install 3.5.7 (10.7 gave me problems on a NewBeeDrone AIO and had to drop back to about 10.4 or 10.5 configurator. Also you would need to download the hex from here and use the Load Local option in the flasher.

I would NOT put anything newer on until you've proven it works, I have seen too many issues with 4+ BF
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Plus you would have big issues with a BF rev as old as 3.0.1 and the latest configurator, memory locations and values have changed completely since then.
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It was the BF rev mostly, after upgrading to 3.5.7 with 10.4 BFC and reconfig by hand, quad is now ready to fly in a basic form. Still need to do more to get things dialed in but @kevyzor can now at least learn to fly. Smart guy who should pick up fairly quickly, welcome to the addiction new pilot!
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