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Eachine wizard help

Jun 26, 2018
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Hey guys.

I have bought a wizard X220 RTF and I am definitely in noob when it comes to the finer technical side of the quad. I have an issue i can’t seem to resolve and need help from all the far more clever people in here...

AFTER I had a crash it seemed to have burnt out a motor and the stock esc. I replaced a single motor with the same and got a Blheli racestar 20A esc, soldered it on, reconfigured it through beta flight and Blheli configurator. Obviously had the props off to test, it had all the beeping sounds and save and reboot sounds, motors spun from zero to hero like normal it seemed.

Took it to a close by park and it arms as normal but when I go to take off it has a wobble and power cuts out. I re armed it time and time again, just using directions rather than throttle and it wants to lift in those directions but if I go to add throttle to take off it has a fair wobble and power cuts out.

I’m thinking Maby is to do with the timing of the new esc, but I thought i rectified that and its still doing th same thing.

I Have no idea how to fix this any help would’ve greatly appreciated.
by re configuring it i Beta flight - do you mean re calibrating the motors? If you haven't re calibrated the motors, this could be the issue
Also update your esc's
Pmac, I followed the steps for re calibrating the motors and it made all the correct noises and beeps as per the video.. but I will redo that to double check. Thanks

Virtueviolator- by updating the esc’s do you mean selecting the esc and the version of it? Blheli Configurator Wouldn’t let me alter the version of esc. That might be a problem then? I’ll post some fotos when I have the chance to show what it’s soing exactly.
Would you say its insta-flipping on take off? I had a similar issue recently, not sure why it would've become an issue after replacing the esc though...

I went through all the same trial and errors, calibrating, checking motors one by one, spin direction etc.. turned out i needed to offset my yaw because of my FC direction - might not be your problem but it sounds similar from your description. See link below.

Would you say its insta-flipping on take off? I had a similar issue recently, not sure why it would've become an issue after replacing the esc though...

I went through all the same trial and errors, calibrating, checking motors one by one, spin direction etc.. turned out i needed to offset my yaw because of my FC direction - might not be your problem but it sounds similar from your description. See link below.

Yes that’s exactly what it’s doing mate. I’ll follow the vid and see what comes out of it. Fingers crossed. Thanks bud!
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Hey guys.

I followed the insta flip vid and it turns out I had my yaw degrees at 90 rather than -90 yo centre the FC. flys perfectly. Thanks so much for ur help guys. Legends.
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Ha - yeah, i had the same issue.. mine was the other way around though.

I've got a x220s so pretty sure we'll encounter the same issues along the way.

Glad i could help..
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Just as a clarifier, motors do not get calibrated, no such thing. ESC's get calibrated, and only if you use an Analog protocol (Oneshot or Multishot) it is completely impossible to cal ESC's for Dshot, though some will suggest to switch to a supported analog protocol, cal the ESC's, and then switch back to Dshot.

You NEVER want to change the ESC type, that should be sensed by BLH when you read the current info, what you are looking for is the Rev and it should likely be 16.7 Dshot, but it really wont make any differences, so if something isn't working correctly, upgrading firmware will likely not help, but trying to upgrade can break it worse if things don't go just right.

One thing that comes to mind based on your indications, if you are running BF 3.3 or higher, is that "Anti-Taz" mode may be activating, probably because your Yaw offset is wrong. I have 3 wizards X220 in my squadron and Yaw should be 90 degrees or -270 degrees (your choice, they are the same thing) unless you have physically changed orientation of the FC. When you upgrade BF you lose EVERYTHING in the config, so you always need to check and retest EVERYTHING. You cannot count on a backup or a CLI dump to cure things, syntax often changes from rev to rev and that will keep some commands from taking, so knowing what's what is the only way to be certain you are ready for flight.
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I don't know much, but I try to get you guys pointed in the right direction when I see it, people here helped clarify me when I first started and answered my questions to get the basic pieces understood. Fortunately thanks to my 40+ year background working with electronic/mechanical/flight system/radars, I picked up quickly... actually being the pilot and flying has been a bit harder, but I am getting there and having a ball. If I can help you guys understand the pieces/functions/terminology, its just a win win win for me, I live to help. All I ever ask is that you pay it forward and back when you can to another newb.

I am the original dummy, others taught me, I am just trying to pay it back best I can. I don't have all the answers but I got ideas and sometimes thats all you need to make progress. Next thing you know, you're flying again. Touchdown!

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