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Another issue with my Wizard X220


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2017
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I wanted to fly my Wizard yesterday and when I plug in the battery I only get the first three beeps and not the last two so the quad will not arm. This was the first time I have tried to fly it after the crash where I lost my GoPro camera a while back. It appears to be connecting to the Tx as when I disconnect the battery with the Tx on, I get the audible alarm of "Telemetry Lost". I read that the last two beeps are indicative of the Rx connection to the Tx but it seems then that the Rx is working. HELP!
First 3 is the ESC booting, the 2 tones that follow is the FC communicating to the ESC, either the FC is not getting 5v power from the PDB or one or more of the Motor Signal wires is broken is my guess. Try plugging the FC to your PC with the USB cable and then plugging in the battery, do you get all 5 start up tones then?
I’d be checking your wiring/ribbon connection between the FC and the PDB. The last two beeps are your throttle connection from the FC. You may have also damaged the 5V supply on your PDB, carefully check with a multimeter to see if you are getting any out put from the 5V rail on that board.
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Thanks for the replies and suggestions. I plugged in the USB cable then connected the battery and still no last two beeps but I did hear a sizzling sound that was sort of like audio static. I forgot to mention that yesterday when I connected the battery the buzzer I added as well as the ESC's sounded like they were screaming. It would not arm then either. Sorry for leaving out that part to begin with but I had slept since then. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :p

I have done a visual inspection without disassembly and I did not see any loose or broken connections. A wise pilot advised me to coat the connections with a certain brand of plastic cement and I did that and it has kept all of the ESC wires connected to the AIO FC board securely. I guess it is time to put this problem child back on the bench and pull it apart... again. :rolleyes::(
I took the problem child back apart and checked for any loose wires and everything was fully intact. Once I got the VTX off from over the FC, I powered it up and quickly noticed that there are no lights showing on the FC when powered up. And the power to the receiver is dead as well as it is powered from the FC too.

This is an almost new SpeedyBee F4 AIO flight controller with two flights on it. I am quite disappointed at this situation. ?
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