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albino polar bear


May 7, 2017
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millbrook, ny
a little more than a year ago I moved from Manhattan - where I'd spent my entire life - to upstate NY. In the city I worked mostly as a photographer... made extra cash building custom gaming PCs. Upstate I found nothing worth photographing and no interest in computers. I impulse bought a crappy toy drone on amazon one night (have a little impulsivity issue) and somehow... dunno, overnight I was hooked. I had to teach myself everything, not knowing anyone else with similar interests. I am not a natural; I sucked then and now - almost a year later - I still suck. I'm a slow learner and a bad teacher. The combo is not conducive to a speedy acquisition of drone skills (or anything else). A couple of weeks ago I finally met some guys through the drone meet up group i started that gave me a proper intro to the world of FPV racing (I'd been treading water in the aerial photo tadpole tank).
Anyhow. I spend hours every day building, flying, researching, thinking and bashing my head against the wall of drone incompetence. I'm trying, but slow progress.
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Reactions: dirkclod
Welcome to DRP aerolux. :)
welcome to quads in general...lol. i came in the same way, youtube and google are my teachers, that and trial and error
Welcome Aeolux,
These guys in here are very good...i cannot say enough about you tube....type in what your having a problem with .and BOOM there it is....Joshua Baldwell is very knowledgeable and it sounds like the two of you speak the same language.
Me on the other hand....WOW
Peace and progress
a little more than a year ago I moved from Manhattan - where I'd spent my entire life - to upstate NY. In the city I worked mostly as a photographer... made extra cash building custom gaming PCs. Upstate I found nothing worth photographing and no interest in computers. I impulse bought a crappy toy drone on amazon one night (have a little impulsivity issue) and somehow... dunno, overnight I was hooked. I had to teach myself everything, not knowing anyone else with similar interests. I am not a natural; I sucked then and now - almost a year later - I still suck. I'm a slow learner and a bad teacher. The combo is not conducive to a speedy acquisition of drone skills (or anything else). A couple of weeks ago I finally met some guys through the drone meet up group i started that gave me a proper intro to the world of FPV racing (I'd been treading water in the aerial photo tadpole tank).
Anyhow. I spend hours every day building, flying, researching, thinking and bashing my head against the wall of drone incompetence. I'm trying, but slow progress.
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