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FS-IA6 Receiver Help


New Member
Jul 21, 2017
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So I'm really new to drone racing here, and am working on my first build. The receiver that I have setup is the FS-IA6 (not the IA6B). It has no I-BUS support either, and I don't think that it has PPM too... I have my transmitter bound to it properly and all, but when I run it through betaflight, there is no movement whatsoever in the stick inputs. I don't know what receiver mode I am supposed to set with this receiver. I've gone ahead and tried each one of them and none showed any movement in the stick inputs. If anyone knows a solution to this that would be great! It's been a huge headache trying to figure out.

EDIT: The FC that I have is this one here: US Warehouse | Upgrade NAZE32 F3 Flight Controller Acro 6 DOF/Deluxe 10 DOF for Multirotor Raci
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If it doesn't do sbus or ibus or anything, you will have to use PWM. You need a signal wire from the receiver to the flight controller for each channel. So including power, you will need at least 6 wires connected to the receiver.

Check the flight controller manual to see which of those breakout harnesses with the servo connectors you can use for PWM channels 1-4. Plug those into the receiver in order.

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