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Fatshark HDO2 Ipd issue


Feb 15, 2021
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Hello pilots!
So after months of practicing and searching for them I finally got Fatsharks. Now come the problems: The first time I tried them I was at home, with the drone on the bench. Turned them on and saw an amazing full and clear image.
Went out in the garden, turned them on again, but started seeing two separate images coming from the two screens. Piloting like this is nearly impossible because my eyes are tricked and don't know where to look. I tried a lipo but crashed many times with a cinewhoop and in general wasn't confident. Have you ever heard or had this issue? is it a matter of getting used to them? (I come from box goggles) I made a friend of mine try them (not a pilot) and he sees the full image like I did once I tried them. Please help me, I've been dreaming of this goggles since I started!
PS I tried a binocular I have at home and after a couple of tries I found the right IPD and was able to see the full image I'm supposed to see with the fatsharks, so my eyes aren't messed up like I thought 😂
Have you tried adjusting the IPD setting? There is a slider next to the focus wheel.
They way I set mine is to just open one eye, I set the IPD first and the focus second. Then I repeat with the other eye. I have to reset them anytime I wipe the lens's clean.
Yes, I already tried adjusting one eye and then the other, but still I can't get to a "merged" image like the first time I tried them. 😵
I'm guessing it is the way you are perceiving it then. Maybe try working on wearing them and try to pull the images together with a little time. Any way you could plug them into a sim so you don't bash up your quad while working on it?

I hope you can get it worked out as I really like mine (except for the crappy DVR).
Yes, I already tried adjusting one eye and then the other, but still I can't get to a "merged" image like the first time I tried them. 😵
I had the same problem on some Aomway commanders i just brought to see if the fpv thing was for me. I ended up taking them apart and adjusting the mounting screw on the back of the display, adjusting the angle by 1-2 degrees maybe. After 3 attempts, no more double vision.
I had the same problem on some Aomway commanders i just brought to see if the fpv thing was for me. I ended up taking them apart and adjusting the mounting screw on the back of the display, adjusting the angle by 1-2 degrees maybe. After 3 attempts, no more double vision.
Thank you very much for the hint, will try it and tell you if it worked! Yesterday tried the DJI v2 and the vision was perfect, even though they have two separate screens just like fatsharks.

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