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crazy throttle


New Member
Feb 17, 2020
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ill cut to the chase....

when i slowly throttle up everything it fine, i hold a hover level for maybe 5 seconds and then all motor throttle up extremely fast and then slow down after 10sec or so. if i go to max throttle and then throttle down the motors stay at max speed.

iflight turbobee 77r and connected my own flysky fs-a8s v2 rx

ibus to rx2. all channels are working properly in betaflight, nothing jumping and no crazy values. throttle goes from 1000 - 2000.

the problem occurs in horizon, angle and with them turned off. i havent changed the throttle curve. i turned throttle boost off (but still happens)

i have made a video of the problem https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-maKerN...sp=sharing in the video i increase the throttle to about 30 from idle, then half way through you can hear it increase on its own

below is a cli diff and dump

thanks so much for your help (in advance :Smile ive really been scratching my head with this...)

edit: i know about holding the drone and it trying to level itself - its definitely not this - its all motor rapidly ramping up together. when i flown it and not held it, it crashes into my ceiling very hard ;)

cheers, andrew


# diff

# version
# Betaflight / STM32F411 (S411) 4.0.4 Jun 30 2019 / 14:58:36 (f3a95efa3) MSP API: 1.41

# start the command batch
batch start

board_name IFLIGHTF411PRO

# name
name TurboBee77R

# resources
resource BEEPER 1 B02
resource MOTOR 1 A00
resource MOTOR 2 B10
resource MOTOR 3 B06
resource MOTOR 4 B07
resource PPM 1 A03
resource LED_STRIP 1 A08
resource SERIAL_TX 1 A09
resource SERIAL_TX 2 A02
resource SERIAL_RX 1 A10
resource SERIAL_RX 2 A03
resource I2C_SCL 1 B08
resource I2C_SDA 1 B09
resource LED 1 C13
resource LED 2 C14
resource SPI_SCK 1 A05
resource SPI_SCK 2 B13
resource SPI_SCK 3 B03
resource SPI_MISO 1 A06
resource SPI_MISO 2 B14
resource SPI_MISO 3 B04
resource SPI_MOSI 1 A07
resource SPI_MOSI 2 B15
resource SPI_MOSI 3 B05
resource ADC_BATT 1 B00
resource ADC_CURR 1 B01
resource FLASH_CS 1 A15
resource OSD_CS 1 B12
resource GYRO_EXTI 1 A01
resource GYRO_CS 1 A04
resource USB_DETECT 1 C15

# timer
timer A03 AF3
# pin A03: TIM9 CH2 (AF3)
timer A00 AF1
# pin A00: TIM2 CH1 (AF1)
timer B10 AF1
# pin B10: TIM2 CH3 (AF1)
timer B06 AF2
# pin B06: TIM4 CH1 (AF2)
timer B07 AF2
# pin B07: TIM4 CH2 (AF2)
timer A08 AF1
# pin A08: TIM1 CH1 (AF1)

# dma
dma ADC 1 0
# ADC 1: DMA2 Stream 0 Channel 0
dma pin A00 0
# pin A00: DMA1 Stream 5 Channel 3
dma pin B10 0
# pin B10: DMA1 Stream 1 Channel 3
dma pin B06 0
# pin B06: DMA1 Stream 0 Channel 2
dma pin B07 0
# pin B07: DMA1 Stream 3 Channel 2
dma pin A08 0
# pin A08: DMA2 Stream 6 Channel 0

# mixer

# servo

# servo mix

# feature
feature RX_SERIAL
feature LED_STRIP
feature OSD

# beeper

# beacon
beacon RX_LOST
beacon RX_SET

# map

# serial
serial 1 64 115200 57600 0 115200

# led
led 0 6,11::CTOBVI:0
led 1 7,11::CTOBVI:0
led 2 8,11::CTOBVI:0
led 3 9,11::CTOBVI:0

# color

# mode_color

# aux
aux 0 0 1 1300 2100 0 0
aux 1 1 0 900 1225 0 0
aux 2 2 0 1300 1700 0 0

# adjrange

# rxrange

# vtx

# rxfail

# display_name

# master
set acc_calibration = 138,-5,-113
set mag_hardware = NONE
set baro_bustype = I2C
set baro_i2c_device = 1
set baro_hardware = NONE
set serialrx_provider = IBUS
set blackbox_device = SPIFLASH
set dshot_idle_value = 900
set motor_pwm_protocol = DSHOT600
set current_meter = NONE
set battery_meter = ADC
set ibata_scale = 210
set beeper_inversion = ON
set beeper_od = OFF
set yaw_motors_reversed = ON
set small_angle = 180
set pid_process_denom = 1
set osd_vbat_pos = 2528
set osd_tim_2_pos = 2552
set osd_g_force_pos = 2048
set osd_throttle_pos = 2391
set osd_vtx_channel_pos = 2496
set osd_craft_name_pos = 2092
set osd_warnings_pos = 2346
set osd_stat_max_spd = OFF
set osd_stat_endbatt = ON
set osd_stat_battery = ON
set osd_stat_min_rssi = OFF
set osd_stat_max_curr = OFF
set osd_stat_used_mah = OFF
set osd_stat_bbox = OFF
set osd_stat_bb_no = OFF
set system_hse_mhz = 8
set vtx_band = 5
set vtx_channel = 8
set vtx_freq = 5917
set max7456_spi_bus = 2
set flash_spi_bus = 3
set gyro_1_bustype = SPI
set gyro_1_spibus = 1
set gyro_1_sensor_align = CW0

# profile
profile 0

set throttle_boost = 0

# rateprofile
rateprofile 0

# end the command batch
batch end


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